Thursday, April 24, 2008


As a child, I always felt safe in my Mom's or Dad's arms, I was truly blessed with the parents I had.  But that was a long time past, and we learn all to soon that the world is not so safe. I used to feel safe in a lover's arms, but too soon we learn, one can do hurt as well as be hurt.  Today, as I was pondering on the theme, I realized one of the few places I really feel safe and at ease, is in the hills, the mountains; or beside a stream; or along a quiet beach.  And I always find comfort and safety in the Psalms no matter where I am at. -- John--

ps/ And Chocolate.

2006, Mt. Lassen Park, Sony Mavica

Psalm 121

 1  I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills,

 from whence cometh my help.

 2  My help cometh from the LORD,

which made heaven and earth.

 3  He will not suffer thy foot to be moved:

 He that keepeth thee will not slumber.

4  Behold, He that keepeth Israel,

 shall neither slumber nor sleep.

  5  The LORD is thy keeper:

the LORD is thy shade upon thy right hand.

 6  The sun shall not smite thee by day,

nor the moon by night.

 7  The LORD shall preserve thee from all evil:

He shall preserve thy soul.

 8 The LORD shall preserve thy going out and thy coming in,

 from this time forth, and even for evermore.

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just follow this link --------->PICTURE PERFECT



  1. That's a great picture and awesome verses to reflect on!

  2. My favorite books are Hebrews and Romans....but anywhere in the Bible reminds me the one safe place is in His hands....which is where the word came from this week.....someone told me when I was having a hard time...

    "you're in God's hands where it's safe"

    he's right...I was and am....I just needed to be reminded.

  3. YAY!!! I"m here, I'm here and I'm so glad I am. Gorgeous photo. Wonderful post and your background is lovely.

  4. John this is so beautiful and appropriate. I love seeing familiar ground also.. Such a beautiful place. I'll just have to come back here and sit.. I feel safe right here.. God Bless my friend.

  5. Oh John, this post is a feast for the eyes, the ears, and the soul. Your photo is beautiful, it looks like a shot from a magazine, well done. I love your take on the theme and what you wrote-I think we all can relate to that and the feeling of safety and rejuvenation of nature. Your background is great too. Congratulations on a totally terrific post! :)
    Mine's up
    Have a great weekend. :)

  6. Simply beautiful words ... o hope, love and deepest caring. The music is inspiring. Your pic is wonderful. Thank you

  7. A beautiful photo John. I wish my gran was here to see this. That Psalm was her favourite, for much the same reasons. She often quoted it to me. This post took me back many years. Thank you!Tint~
    My Picture Perfect

  8. What a beautiful picture to the perfect Psalm I enjoyed this and the music to go along with it. Great take in theme thanks for sharing and stopping by my page

  9. John what an amazing photo. I can't say that I always feel safe up there, but I do feel a certain tranquility. Loved your take,

  10. thanks for stopping by my page John and I love your pic of the mountains...All safe places to be and as you can tell..mine is the ocean...and beaches...excellant take on the theme...many hugs xo

  11. I remember that Psalm...and it quite possibly came to mind looking from a platform such as beautiful.

    Thanks for visiting...and the Award. :D

  12. awesome pic, and one of my fav of the psalms...

  13. Beautiful... The whole composition you have going on here is amazing... God Bless you my friend... Lovely. Thanks for stopping by mine and the comment on my carload. I love them so much and miss being able to watch kids due to my medical problems. Bitter sweet entry this week, so thanks for the encouragement on my poem. simple and yet has so much power. Love and Hugs my friend, lilangelwolf

  14. its been an interesting exercise finding out what makes us feel safe..wonderful vista John thanks for sharing it!


  16. Very touching and very real. Nice take on the theme and thanks for sharing your vision.

  17. I am so glad you had the love of good parents and that you felt safe in their arms , you were very lucky John weren't all so lucky.
    I too love nature and it brings me peace and awe , as does your blog here !!!

  18. Awesome photo! =o)

    Thank you for the comment in my blog!

  19. If I had a trout, I'd slap ya with it LOL ... laughed at yer comment.

    Very good post here, bummer too, cause I can't say anything witty back to you about this. You pretty much covered safe here from start to finish.

    Thanks for stopping by ... ya nut!

  20. Amen to that. Great photograph and take on theme.

  21. I love your picture as well as your Psalms as well as your page. Have a great weekend. Great song.

  22. Always a great entry John. I can understand how one would feel safe and sound in that kind of place. Beautiful scripture as well. Thanks for sharing!
    Please feel free to stop by: SAFE

    PS: Had to laugh at the chocolate thing, may I add ice cream too? LMAO!

  23. Wonderful shot and words.GOD bless you.
    Mine is up too.

  24. Wonderful shot and words.GOD bless you.

  25. That is so very uplifting and inspiring. The majesty of nature certainly exemplifies God's awesome finger on the Universe. Thanks for stopping by mine also. Peace!

  26. What a beautiful place you have pictured!! It is one of the places I have always wanted to see. Easy to understand your love of this world and it's wonderful peaceful places. And who of us have not learned that the one love that is always and forever safe for us is God's? Wonderful blog, John. Very beautiful music!!!
    Thank you for your visit to my PP ~ always enjoy sharing with you.

  27. That was His promise... a safe place to land... thanks for the wonderful photo, psalm and music

  28. Hei John

    Lovely Psalm indeed and so is the pic.
    Keep so well and safe. Rii :)))

    My take is in ere

  29. Beautiful John, absolutely beautiful. This too is one of the psalms I turn to for comfort and safety!
    Lovely photo. Thank you for stopping by and visiting my pp contribution this week! :-)

  30. I love your entry this week too, john..your words and image show up as a unity. Important theme you have chosen!
    ty for visiting me!

  31. The picture is wonderful and I can't agree more with the psalm... What a great take - brought smile to my soul... thank you so much, John!!!

  32. Your picture is stunning, and I couldn't agree more

    Thanks for the visit :-)

    "Safe" - For Picture Perfect

  33. that's a gorgous picture! I would feel safe there.. as I love being out in nature so much!

  34. our surroundings, be they arms of safety or hills, valleys and streams of familiarity are crucial to where we have been, where we are, and where we will go ... beautiful picture ... 9 woofs!

  35. Amazing picture! - And nice thoughts to go along with it.

  36. I love your thoughts. I love the tree in the right foreground, it adds dimension and contrast to your photo.

    Thank you for stopping by my site.

  37. what a beautiful place, i enjoyed reading the psalm too
    thank you for your comments on my photo

  38. Hi John! Thanks fr coming by. I did contribute to PPF, but I am just not a photographer, and don't really have a lot of pics to show off. I think PPF is wonderful and I still read a lot of the entrys! Yours is wonderful.

  39. Beautiful picture and I too would have to agree with you. Such solitude, beauty, and peace to be found in nature.

  40. ahhh this is beautiful the 121st is a psalm or blessing to one going or embarking on a voyage ..we are all on a voyage on this old dirt ball ...great post, awesome shot and them word things and that singy stufff has made for a wonderful package john ..not bad for a penguin must play heck typin..jgh
    <<< CLICK >>>>
    also for those interested in a Black and White experience

    ”Monochrome Monday”

  41. Beautiful words and magnificent photo, John. The book of Psalms gives me a feeling of serenity as well...but then again...I find all comfort in the Bible. Thank you for sharing such a thoughtful take.

    If you have a moment, please stop by: Romy's SAFE haven for a peek... and thank you in advance.

  42. Awesome picture, love the psalm (and put to music /:-) As always your PPF delights!

  43. Nature speaks to me in that way, too....especially the mountains. They speak to my soul. Beautiful picture.

  44. Gorgeous! (oh, are Bill The Cat and Opus running again this year? they have MY vote!) :)

  45. Thank you for sharing both the view (I've been there...or near by) and the Psalm. I've been reading Psalms in my daily readings, and it is such a blessing!

    Thanks for your visit to mine.

  46. I love the view! You do take a gret photo. I have never heard the Psalms pu to music. I have been sitting here listening and liking it - as always your PP is wonderful!

  47. Lovely photo, and I am enjoying the music!

  48. Lovely photo, and I am enjoying the music!

  49. oops, LOL, back for more of the music ;) Not sure what happened there!

  50. What a great picture to go with this weeks theme.
    I will go look into Psalm 121, I am sure once I start to read it, it will all come back to me..

  51. Beautiful photo of a beautiful spot. Wonderful music for your theme. God's creation has surely supplied us with many places to feel safe! Thanks.

  52. This is a great post John, I understand exactly what you mean regarding feeling safe when you are alone with nature. I find it incredibly peaceful and safe when I find a big field of a little stream somewhere and lay down and just listen to the quiet and look at clouds, theres nothing quite like it, I feel cleansed and most of the time I don't want to leave. I love the verse from Psalm as well, definitely makes me feel that little bit safer in a very unsafe world.

    Oh and re my post, he might change but I don't think its going to be anytime soon, he really needs to find someone to settle down with, someone to rein him in, unfortunately I'm not really in the right place to do that at the moment, but you never know, we may still end up together *winks*
    Thanks for the lovely comment and sorry its taken me till Monday to comment.

  53. How beautiful! Both the photo and the Psalm to go with it. HIS words make me feel safe always... and when I'm in His creations, that feeling of peace just warms my soul.

    Excellent John... as always... now, pass the chocolate... :)
