Tuesday, April 15, 2008


 Watching the news this morning, I was fascinated by all the medicine ads, for this, for that, for things I have never even heard of!!  The wonders of modern medicine, but what caught my ears was what they were saying after their words about how marvelous the medicine is.  Things like, may cause bleeding, may cause severe upper respriatory afflictions,  loss of movement in lower extremities may occur,  in certain people temporay loss of sight, some people have been know to  ______  (fill in the blank!), and my favorite, May cause death!!

I looked at my own meds.  One lists:  Dizziness, drowsiness, fatique, nausea, headache, and constipation, those are the normal ones, lower down the rare ones are: severe constipation, easy bruising/bleeding, yellowing of the eyes/skin, sudden dizziness/fainting, vision changes, severe/persistant nasea, seizures.  Oh and I forgot trouble breathing.

Another one: Headache may occur.  The possible severe effects listed are: muscle problems, tenderness, change in the amount of urine, yellowing eyes/skin, dark urine,  severe fatique, stomach/abdominal pain, and persistant nausea.

One more: Flushing of the face/neck, warm feeling, headache, burning, sweating, chills, tingling, Dizziness, stomach upset, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may occur. The serious effects are: severe dizziness/fainting, fast/irregular heartbeat, severe headache-migraine, unusual joint pain, swelling of legs/arms, vision problems, severe stomach pains, black tarry stools,  and the rest goes downhill from there.  

These are only three of eight I take.  I picked them out of a pile of prescription hand outs, so not sure if these are the worst of my meds or not.  And none of what I wrote above lists the allergic reactions that can occur with the meds!!   All I can say is if the meds don't kill me, I should be fine!!  Better living through Chemistry!!!

Today's Comic


And one of my favorite pills of all time, it now even comes in flavors!!


  1. yes, take two and call me in an hr.

  2. I too take a preponderance of medicines. I have to have an entire glass of water sometimes tow just to swallow them. I've given up reading the warnings outherwise I'd be too depressed to take even one! I couldn't read your cartoon, but I love the last pill. I need a prescription for that!

  3. "Penguins don't have nipples??!!?"
    Great blog ~ can't live with them ~ can't live without them ~ right?

  4. Hey thanks for enlarging your cartoon, I was looking for a pill for that. lol great post John

  5. "can't live with them ~ can't live without them ~ right"
    "Nipples? or Penquins???"

    Rofl ~ Pills...... but having to choose between nipples and penguins I think I could get use to no nipples!

  6. I only take vitamins and Prilosec but damn some days I sure would like to have that big one up there LOL

  7. I love this!!! LOL... I too am soo tired of commercials on TV telling me what to to take. Since when do pharmacuticals know which medications are good or not good for me anyways... I take many meds and have for years, and I am limited too on what I can take due to a bleeding disorder, so I read all the warnings due to the fact that sometimes the doctors forget.
    In 2 separate cases, I have one time been given and the second time almost given medication that I cannot take. Did they forget to read the chart?? duh??
    One time I was on depakote for about 2 days before I received any literature from it and then talked to my family dr, he directly took me off of it by talking to the dr in the hospital who prescribed it.
    Another time I was to have a central line put in (IV) and they were getting ready to put dye in so that the dr could see my veins. I said WHAT?? I am allergic to dye... And there was not even a dr in the room... Good thing I was conscious, or they would have had a heck of a time. So they stopped what they were doing to prep it for ultrasound instead. I was dumfounded.
    But your last pill. Yup, that is the pill my social worker tells me to take all the time and I have a neverending supply of that... LOL, lilangelwolf

  8. john you aint right in the head have you tried goofamax....it will make your liver quiver ..but you can get livertol for that...but then your urethra will swell up but you can take urineaway for that..welll maybe just have a double shot of cabo and think about ait..just dont drink while doing drugs..

  9. It show up now - thanks - it's funny! Love the song too!

  10. ROFL!! I think I like the sound of that!!

  11. Well John.....You had to know....I couldn't resist this....

    Although ummmm "excitement" lasting for more than 4 hours may occur rarely with all treatments in this drug class, to avoid long-term injuries, it is important to seek immediate medical help.


  12. ....oh and here's what your blog made me think of next....(after the blue pills)

  13. uggg pills...I need some Vicoden ....ummm hahaha I like this song

  14. Loved the blog, the comments and the video /:-) My fav warning remains "patients suffering heart failure should not take _______" BTW Where do I find that last one ?

  15. Once I went to the doctor because for weeks I was nauseous, tired, and had diarrhea----found out I had H. Pilori. So the doctor puts me on 2 different antibiotics, an anti-inflammatory or something, and Nexium. I was totally loaded with pills for the next two weeks. So I look on the info to find out what kind of side affects I might have from taking all this......you guessed it! nausea, tiredness, diarrhea.....

    how the heck was I supposed to know if I was getting better????


    (I sure could use that last pill some days.....)

  16. LMAO.....had such a giggle just reading the first line. I know exactly what you mean. I find drug adds very strange here as they are not allowed to advertise drugs at home. In Oz they're more likely to advertise how you can improve the environment, rather than turn a whole nation into hypochondriacs. LMAO. But money talks I guess and there certainly is big money here. And isn't it amazing how every drug they advertise you think "oh maybe that would suite me".....still LMAO.

  17. Exactly so, I always thought, who in their right mind would call for help, maybe another partner, but not help.

  18. Perfect song, I remember this somewhat , of course most of the pills then were not medicinal!!!

  19. ROFLMBO!!! EXACTLY, that is the way I feel with some of mine (Pills, not side effects!!!).

  20. errr when i have a common cold and the meds that are prescribed have a warning attached that says possible side effects may occur that include bleeding out of the anus and ears if this occurs contact physician immediately and discontinue use.......UHHHHHH i think i will take the sneezes ty very much

  21. Oi...I think I'd rather be sick as well! wow.

  22. Can I have some of that FUKITOL too? Please pretty please. LOLFOF. I really hate reading the side effects on meds... good grief could cause a heart attack just readin it all. And doctors dont check patients files that well even when you see a different doctor...makes for a hell of a mixture of different pills that might counteract or react with what another doctor gave you. Scarey if you ask me...there goes my blood pressure! LOL

  23. They have pills for that!! :-)

  24. another partner maybe that's what the long term injury is from....not the pill.....lol

  25. Bleeding from various orifices or sneezes? Will take the snot anyday!!!

  26. ROFL!!! Well gee I was just guessing, no experience here what so ever, nope.

  27. l remember a time when l didnt take anything except maybe a bex from time to time.
    now, for some reason, and why did l trust my dr, lm on prozac and serapax and arthritis pills, ...
    l sit sometimes, and think, did l need these, or did my dr con me into taking them.
    now lm addicted, and will need help to get off them.
    l used to take a lot more pills . prescribed. and just came to my senses, and stopped, and worked things out.
    the last two pills, will take just a little longer.
    l plan, hopefully, to stop everything, and get back to being a normal human being...
    whatever normal is now a days...sigh.

  28. I dunno john....

    me thinks the gentleman doth protest too much....just sayin'

  29. grinning as I relate to all written...

  30. oh yeah -- that is definitely one of my favorite pills too - giggles

  31. I'm glad I don't have to take any medicine (yet). My 80 year old mother has to take a lot of medicines, before breakfast, half an hour after breakfast, during dinner, before going to bed, this medicine not together with that medicine... I would quite easily get lost on what to take when, but she knows it exactly. I'm so glad her mind is the one part of her that functions exceptionally well!

  32. ... he he he, that comic strip was great...

  33. Just wandering what will happen after taking the Fukitol ? Cause Drowsiness and let you sleep so that won't think so much , thus no more worries and problems? How long can it hold ?

  34. Some days (yesterday and the day before that) I definitely need that. Right now, the most I take is muscle relaxers for my back. When I was a child, I was on everything...Theodur, for my theopholin levels (to control breathing), any number of other asthma and allergy meds...I felt so screwed up as a kid.

  35. HEY.................I like that last pill you got on there.......I need a king size one plz.....

    and as far as those othe meds........dang almost sounds as if the cure is worse than the illness.....lol

  36. Great comic strip...it's so true..how do we know penguins don't have nipples??? LOL :)

  37. Great blog John.. Got me laughting. I don't take any drugs so I can't comment on them. Is vitamins a drug?

  38. I only take these great headache pills that fix the headache and make you feel totally relaxed to boot....if I want relaxed I take one, if I get a headache in the next 8 hrs I don't feel it or in fact care.
    If I have a headache I take one, then for about 8hrs..........hehehehe lol

  39. Hiya John

    LOL!!! Brilliant entry and comments.

    I know from nursing that all the medicines have more horrid side-effects and the good;
    that's why i do not like to take any kind of meds at all, at all. And i do not!
    Disperin for me is a major medication these days, you see, and i have to be very, very ill to take it.

    Have a great evening.
