Sunday, April 6, 2008


First of all, apologies to Sir William Shakespeare for paraphrasing one of his well know lines. -- This article interests me for several reasons. First, it has pushed back the accepted date of human presence in the US by at least 1,000 years. Second, the manner in which the early date was discovered, and thirdly, that someone can proudly  say, after years and years of college and university, when asked what they do, can proudly respond:  "I work with crap."  Enjoy -- John


Ancient Poop Gives Insight Into First North Americans

CBCNews.CA  The Canadian Press

New evidence shows humans lived in North America more than 14,000 years ago, 1,000 years earlier than had previously been known.

Fossil feces discovered in a cave in Oregon yielded DNA indicating these early residents were related to people living in Siberia and East Asia, according to a report in the online edition of the journal Science.

Newly discovered fossilized human feces from a cave deposit in Oregon are the oldest evidence of humans in North America, according to a study in the journal Science.

Newly discovered fossilized human feces from a cave deposit in Oregon are the oldest evidence of humans in North America, according to a study in the journal Science. (Dennis LeRoy Jenkins/Associated Press)   [ I don't know about you Dear Reader, but this does not look fossilized to this humble blogger! -- John]

Humans are widely believed to have arrived in North America from Asia over a land-bridge between Alaska and Siberia during a warmer period.

A variety of dates have been proposed, and some are in dispute.

"This is the first time we have been able to get dates that are undeniably human," said Dennis Jenkins, a University of Oregon archeologist.

Few artifacts were found in the cave, leading Jenkins to speculate that the people stayed there only a few days at a time before moving on, perhaps following game animals or looking for other food.

Diet included squirrels, bison and sunflowers

The ancient poop — coprolites to scientists — gives an indication of the diet of these ancient Americans, Jenkins said.

While the analysis is not yet complete, he said there are bones of squirrels, bison hair, fish scales, protein from birds and dogs and the remains of plants, including grass and sunflowers.

The oldest of several coprolites studied is 14,340 years old, said co-author Eske Willerslev, director of the Centre for Ancient Genetics at Denmark's University of Copenhagen.

"The Paisley Cave material represents, to the best of my knowledge, the oldest human DNA obtained from the Americas," he said. "Other pre-Clovis sites have been claimed, but no human DNA has been obtained."

The prehistoric Clovis culture has been dated to between 13,200 and 12,900 calendar years ago and is best known by the tools left behind.

The date for the new coprolites is similar to that of Monte Verde in southern Chile, where human artifacts have been discovered, added Willerslev.

It isn't clear exactly who the people living in the Oregon caves were, Jenkins said, since there were few artifacts found. He said there was one stone tool, a hand tool used perhaps to polish, grind or mash bones or fat.

Human migration from Asia to North America

"We are not saying that these people were of a particular ethnic group," Jenkins stressed. "At this point, we know they most likely came from Siberia or Eastern Asia, and we know something about what they were eating, which is something we can learn from coprolites. We're talking about human signature.

"If you are looking for the first people in North America, you are going to have to step back more than 1,000 years beyond Clovis to find them."

The Oregon find, along with indications of human presence at other locations, adds to the evidence for a pre-Clovis human presence in North America, said Michael Waters, director of the Center for the Study of the First Americans at Texas A&M University.

"The genetic evidence from the coprolites from Paisley Caves is also consistent with the current genetic data for the peopling of the Americas — that the earliest inhabitants of the Americas came from Northeast Asia," added Waters, who was not part of the research team.

Anthropologist Ripan Malhi of the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, said this data along with material from Alaska provide increasing "evidence that ancestors of Native Americans used a coastal route during the colonization of the Americas." Malhi was also not part of the research team.

Jenkins said that discoveries like those in the Oregon caves "help us to reconstruct the American past."

"Our heritage is really important, and it is important to the majority of the American public. If you don't know where you come from, it's hard to have a feeling of community, of participation."

(A little more information on the Paisley Caves  -- John)


And just to show you we are not talking about your everyday normal crap, I present a cut and polished Coprolite pendant.  Do I need to mention that these coprolites are from Dinosaurs?

by Belle Rustique Jewelry



And another by Tony Payne

What better way to tell that special someone you love her than to give her a piece of crappy jewelry to wear!!


Wow, surprised and happy I found this when lookng for music, Lydia Pense and Cold Blood takes me back to the Daze and Haze times, not sure what ever happened to her, last I heard she was living up near Humboldt county and working with animals. It was once said of her, she would be the next Janis Joplin.


  1. Well not sure about the theories but it is an interesting article /:-)

  2. wow cool grass wonders if hops were involved?...John I have some pictures of ancient native Mimbres Indians rock mounds they lived in. i found them in a hike in New Mexico they are considered one of the oldest tribes and for some reason they just disappeared..hmmm a good always do this to post Dr.O

  3. Wow John. Are you sure that what your talking about isn't a bunch of crap??! LOL. I see your page contains pics of historic archaeology huh? I wouldn't mind wearing coprolite jewelery. That top one's really nice. Great music too.

  4. Who knew crap could be so pretty..that your blog is full of it...well, I am going to be nice...

  5. LOL Robin, I have been accused of talking crap, but not lately, until now that is!!!

  6. ROFL and now Marianne makes twice!!!

  7. Jinx...but you set yourself up for this one!

  8. It's surprising what you can learn from scat.

  9. So, you are saying the next time we flush, we need to consider what information we are giving the rest of the world and maybe, just maybe someone could be wearing us around their neck one day? I mean it happened to the dinosaurs.... Intersesting article. John, and you know I paid attention to the music!! Love her voice ~ had never heard her before!

  10. are such a character. Btw...did you watch the History Channel last night. Veyr interesting shows. This is a great article.

  11. But are you telling me the Native Americans were not here first. Sorry...I'm being facetious, but then we knew that, didn't we.

  12. Interesting article... The jewelry is actually quite pretty! Funny that it's nothing but crap! LOL

  13. ohhh the music!!!!!got it blasting

  14. Always an interesting read John...I'm laughing at the crappy jewelry :)

  15. Jewelry made of crap.... If you didn't post the pics I would have been hard put to imagine it! Amazing what information we can glean from crap isn't it!? :-) Thanks for the always interesting read!

  16. Very interesting John LOL. Poopalogy wow.

  17. Cool article.... I'll be looking for the next installment. Who knew poop could be so fascinating huh? :D

  18. Ok, now I'm going to get neurotic about what goes down the loo ; ) Got to love that jewelry!

  19. Boy they're selling all kinds of crap now eh? ;) Great article John, thanks for the laugh and info.
