Friday, June 5, 2009

PICTURE PERFECT -- The Letter "B" is the Theme.

To learn more about and join in the Picture Perfect weekly challange, please follow the link



Oh Boy!!!  I was really looking forward to this one!!! Heather chose the letter "B" as our theme.  And what is the first thing a red blooded American male thinks of?  Well yes, it might be beer, and yes it might be baseball for some of us, but for the great majority of us, the eternally immature,  it is BOOBIES!!!  I headed down to the beach, as it was a beautiful day here, but it did not turn out as well as I had hoped.

(stock photo)

Who would have thought they would be so easily upset.

(stock photo)

So after they released me from the hospital, I found a much safer subject.


blue bottle


  1. LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL John I love your posts and that Blue Bottle is the bomb.

  2. nice piece of cobalt glass work Pengy and always an entertaining post

  3. ooh that's beautiful! fun blog as always penguy : ))

  4. Will settle for the pretty blue bottle. Just disappointed in you is all! lol....kidding!

  5. ROFL Pengy, you are sooo funny! Sorry the boobies made a meal out of you, all the best for your swift recovery he he. Now aren't blue bottles a type of fly? Well glad that's not what you depicted, I like this one MUCH better!

  6. I laughed SO hard whilst reading yr story above. I hope you dont mind me leaving a comment, as I know you have no Idea who am. I came accross you on Mimi's page.
    Luckily you didn't mean the Blue Bottle Jellyfish as we have here in Australia or you would have been back in the hospital in a flash!! (The Blue Bottle is found in most Australian waters. Blue Bottles float lightly on the surface of the water but their tentacles can be as long as 10 metres.
    Blue Bottles are much less dangerous than some other jellyfish but they can give a swimmer a bad sting if the swimmer accidentally touches them.)

  7. Great picture... love the angle you took it from!!!!
    Okay... tell them the truth... the boobies were not so unreasonable... your girl friend is!!!!!
    ROFL... Your mind is truly amazing (big grin)!!!

  8. LOOL...... You and Phil have a lot in common! Must be a man thing.... Cool blue bottle!

  9. That is a beautiful shot of that blue bottle!

    B is for Buddha

  10. A great tale and a beautiful Blue Bottle, does it have a story too ? /:-)

  11. LMAO Penguin the pervert? ROFL I am just kidding. Love the blue bottle! Very pretty blue!

    Empress C's PP!

  12. Great shot the color.

    Boobie hunting tours are never guaranteed, eh? :)

  13. Beautiful Blue Bottle ;) Nice story too
    You can view mine here ... Kisses Babs ♥ ♥ ♥

  14. LOL very nice for a blue bottle. Thanks for your wishes and yes everyday I feel so much better...
    Picture Perfect ~ Boat Moored at Sunset

  15. LOL the blue bottle is purty, maybe not as purty as LOL nevermind

  16. LOL...loved the story of how you finally got the blue bottle.
    Nice photo!!

    ~Picture Perfect Theme~the letter B

  17. Thanks for your comment ;)
    Kisses Babs ♥ ♥ ♥

  18. You just have to know how to handle them John.....maybe gator can give you some advice.
