Tuesday, June 23, 2009



Some disclaimers need to be placed here to protect the writer from legal action.


Though there is a family resemblance, the reptiles pictured are not gators.  These are crocs, cousins to gators.  But, where gators live in the deep end of the gene pool, crocs tend to make their habitat in the shallow end.  I hope this clears up any confusion.  If any confusion still exists, it is your own fault for not reading the dislaimer.

Always read the fine print!!!




  1. LOL...great cartoons...I saw Jimi Hendrix live at Cobo Hall in Detroit in 1967....he did something that made the papers for months...when he finished his concert...he laid his guitar down in front of a huge amplifier...waited until the feedback was screeching, pulled out a can of lighter fluid out of his pocket, and set the guitar on fore...he than knealt down as if to pray to the burning guitar...the grownups shook their heads in disgust...while we cheered for more....he defined a generation of music....

  2. rolling here pengy..them wonky croc cousins of mine always make for a great laugh dont they....course I get enough tequila in me im not much better...and Robbie I envy you man ..that is one of several Id truly love to have seen in concert

  3. The man who could make his guitar talk .. one of the first to do it

  4. Wanna hear something really sad Gary?? In 1965, a friend had tickets to see the Beatles..in those days..I didn't like them..was into the Stones..so told my friend to give them to someone else...do you know how many times I go to bed now wanting to kick my ass for making the biggest mistake of my life??? In those days, I thought about the Beatles, like I think about Clay Aikman today..LOL

  5. Ummmm, ahhhhh, maybe, no, geeeezz, oh never mind.

  6. Just mean to say John..I looked at thr Beatles as whimpy Rockers..I liked that hard edge of the Stones...didn't want to go to a concert where all the girls were screaming...man..how my perspectives have changed now...would love to go to a Concert where the girls screamed now...well except t a Miley Cyrus Concert...

  7. Very similar story here Rockin' Lived in Monterey (still do) when Monterey Pop was here, had every opportunity to go, walked around the fairgrounds a couple of times to mingle with the people outside, but since I lived so close to the fairgrounds, all I had to do was take a chair into the back yard and listen. Thought I was so smart, who could have known what history was being made, and what future stars were there. The two I regret not seeing are Janis Joplin and Otis Redding. If I was as limber now as I was back then I would kick myself right now!!

  8. Now, if you could make them do that during one of your gigs. . .just saying

  9. That is for sure Jim, the guitar and him became one entity. . .

  10. you know robbie you said something that i find myself asking music folks alot..are you a beatles or stones person...seems folks fall in to one or the other often..not to say its exclusive but ask folks when you think about it and you will see its true...and sure about the Miley thing rob..shes doing a movie out on tybee which is like a stones throw from me

  11. Ya know Gator, you cousins may not be the brightest bulbs, but you really have to give them credit for persistence. . .

  12. yeah no doubt about that one pengy ..now if somehow we could harness it for the good of mankind

  13. LOL...your right Gary...we used to ask Beatles or Stones...than when we got to talking about women..we would always ask, Ginger, or Mary Ann....

  14. well this is a biased comment log.....

    but the blog made me laugh

  15. lol gator just has a thing for redheads

  16. That is just amazing Gator, did you know that your cousin Larry married a redhead?

  17. hows this for sad.... i dont know any jimi hendrix stuff : P (i DO know the name at least)
    ~ runs up tree before i'm kilt

  18. We have a re-education camp available. . .

  19. dang pengy xply must love my words its eating my comments left and right...was saying i had a thing for tina louise since way back...and well always had thing for redheads ..i guess it all started with wilma flintstone

  20. lol RE denotes there once was an education to start with :P

  21. I cannot say you have bad taste, must be our ages, I had a thing for her after seeing her in that Bond Flick, but there was something about MaryAnn. . .Now Wilma, that is very understanding how she could effect your tastes tens of thousands of years later. . .

  22. That wasn't me laughing KK, honest!!!!

  23. i guess growing up in the country all the girls were like mary ann so that made ginger exotic to a young country boy....and shes a red head lmao

  24. I am so showing the abuse I have put my brain through. The bond girl was not Tina Louis, she was Jill St. John!!!! Now would you please tell me what I am doing here and point me in the direction of home.

  25. lmao you know pengy that one threw me as I couldnt place one I checked imdb and was like hmmm but i will never question the word of a penguin..and jill st john is hubba hubba as well

  26. ROFLMBO!!!! If a Gator, a Duck, and a Penguin, from various and far away parts of this beautiful blue planet, can come to so much common ground as music and actresses, there is no reason what so ever there cannot be world peace. .. (Rodent will join us I am sure as soon as her re-education camp is completed)

  27. well see Pengy the underlying issue is one of intelligence ..critters are much smarter than people it seems ...at least we know better than to poop our nests....*looks at pengys nest...well most of us

  28. HEY, not in, just close by. .

  29. lol well just sayin..i mean you can spot it from a satellite in space

  30. Oh that?! Ummm, bad neighborhood, messy neighbors, I will find a better one next year.

  31. just sayin ...and we can get you a beach front on the other pole cheap

  32. I was lucky to have been at the Montery pop,and saw Hendrix.

  33. That is why I kick myself in the arse, I lived here and didn't take advantage of it!!! Wes,you on the otherhand saw and heard history being made!! But the big question is, do you remember any of it, or is it all kind of in a purple haze?

  34. I don't talk to Mary much anymore, she always tried to get me into trouble. . .

  35. hubby just loves Jimmy. says he was one of the greatest guitarists of all time!

  36. Yes John I remember very well believe it or not..LOL I didn't smoke much of that wacky weed, or do any hard drugs. But you could sure smell the wacky tobacco smoke drifting around.

  37. He was the greatest, and was amazing to watch.

  38. One of the best songs of all time if your a old hippie like me.LOL

  39. Boy, does this music take me back....
    Didn't we all like Hendrix?
    Too funny the cartoons... good advice "Always read the fine print!"
    Might just hang around to listen for awhile!

  40. And the wind cry Moron Hahahahahahahaha Love it! (been having good chuckles at your latest Icon pics also lol)
