Friday, March 13, 2009


Extreme Persistance.  This was taken  a couple of months ago at Moss Landing, Ca.  A boat and pedestrian dock has been taken over by Sea Lions.  Space was at a premium, with some sea lions stacked three high; but these were the smaller and all about the same size.   Now the big bulls slept in comfort, they just pushed the smaller ones aside and made their own room.  And if one tried to crawl on top the old bulls just shook them off.  EXCEPT one very persistant, and for a Sea Lion a very pretty young thing.  She tried to crawl up, and was thrown off.  Then she started her wiles, she just eased in beside him, then leaned, then put her head on him, then with no resistance from the Bull, or perhaps some communication passed between the two that I did realize, she put her head further onto him, then later eased up her front flippers on  him, and then laid her head down again,  (Do Sea Lions whisper sweet nothings to each other?), then more of her torso and weight on the bull, and finally a last dainty lunge and was completely on top.  I am sure the Bulls blubber felt better than any memory foam mattress, and self heated too!!!   A Sea Lion Princess who knows how to get her way. . .

The camera is a Kodak EasyShare 612sea lion


  1. LOLLLLLLLLLLL The things we females have to do to even get a piece of the bad.
    Great shot John

  2. Maybe she was his favorite daughter, or his know how "dirty old men" are...wink.

  3. Not me, you will have to talk to Gator about that, he has been around for a couple of million years or so. . . ;-)

  4. lol and enjoyed every minute of it Pengy

  5. "Then she started her wiles"
    Lol beware the power of a persistent, pretty female!
    This is a gorgeous shot, I love these sea lion pics.
    The one on the right looks like she's smiling at you. Maybe she saw something she likes. ;)

  6. Awww this is a neat photo!!!! Fantastic my friend, by the way found your glasses, still can't find Russ's... LOL

  7. Oh, that is so funny Pengy. Your story makes it even better! I love your seal shots, they are amazing!
    Thanks for swimming by my entry!

  8. That is too cute. Would have been a great video. Thanks for telling the story. Thanks for visiting my site.

  9. Feminine wiles throughout the animal kingdom! LOL Like the story and love the shot. She really is a darling!

  10. I think I need to find her and take lessons on using my wiles.

    Great need to write more often john.


  11. princesses do know how to get things their way.
    not sure what she whispered. a blackmail perhaps?

  12. Must be fascinating to be able to watch these animals live at the end of ones street. Ive only seen em in zoo's and such. They seem very amusing! Great capture! I wont be participating this week.. to much work! So what am I doing here? *I'm procrastinating on work* says the girl, with a big fat grin on!

  13. What a sexy pose!.. yep, they are extreme creatures and graceful in the water... thanks for stopping by

  14. Oh, how cute!!! This is one place I would love to see... It is just amazing to me so many of them in one place!
    And I love one of the Sea Lion pictures as your background.. it looks so good!


  15. LOL Great shot and story to go with it John!
