Thursday, March 12, 2009


You cannot make this stuff up, truth is indeed stranger than fiction.  I have to wonder if this would work in some strange way with Human dating.  Might explain how those amorous Sindbad types were able to sneak into the harem. . .And now, brought to you from Augrabies Falls National Park in  South Africa; the story. . .


by Wendy Zuckerman;  Australian Broadcasting

Young, male lizards desperate to mate, access women and avoid attack from older males by pretending to be one of the girls, a new study says.


The usual coloration of an amorous male  Augrabies Flat Lizard.





The shapely young female Augrabies, that is the center of all the attention.  At least I think it is the female. . .




"In this system the adult males are extremely colourful and extremely territorial and the females are a plain brown," says co-author Associate Professor Scott Keogh, of the School of Biological Sciences at the Australian National University.

Young males purposefully only develop colours on their belly, so they reach sexual maturity by still looking like a female."

Imitating a female allows the juvenile lizards to mate with females, without being detected and driven away by the larger, territorial, adult males, who will chase and bite their young rivals.

These so-called she-males get a reproductive advantage by pretending to be females.


"If they develop colours on their back or side they would be visually identifiable as males and would never get close to the females at all," says Keogh.



The sexual deception will give the young adult males a sexual advantage for a season.

"They probably get one full season where they look like the females but are sexually mature," says Keogh.

But while these young lizards might look like females, they still smell like males.

To prove this the researchers took animals from the wild and removed all pheromones and skin lipids that might signal gender.

They then relabelled a group of females and she-males with either male or female scent, before presenting them to typical adult males.

Males use their tongues to sample chemical scent and responded by courting she-males labelled as females, but not she-males labelled as males.

"Males are fooled by looks, but not by scent," says fellow researcher Dr Jonathan Webb, of the University of Sydney.


"She-males are able to maintain this deception by staying one step ahead of a prying male, and thereby avoiding a nosey tongue that might give the game away."

Other animals, such as fish, have been shown to use sexual deception to get an advantage in the wild, but this research is the first to show reptiles imitating the opposite sex through their appearance.

"What is special about this research is that we split the visual and olfactory cues," says Keogh.

This allowed the researchers to know that it was the colours of the young lizards that were deceiving the male adults, and not other factors.

Despite the advantage of imitating female, not all young male lizards perform the deceptive act.

"We think there are only some males that do this," says Keogh.

Knowing exactly how many young lizards imitate females is difficult because the area being studied, Augrabies Falls National Park in the South Africa, has the densest population of lizards worldwide.




  1. Hahaha, I think your tags may be funnier than the story itself!!

  2. That was very interestingJohn.Thanks for sharing.

  3. wow animals are bout as strange as humans post

  4. Hhhmmm very interesting...would be interesting to see if it would work for you doubting it though..

  5. lol those silly cousins of mine I told them their antics would be discovered one day...and there is one sure way to check this out and comes another relative of mine Mick "Crocodile" Dundee. In the bar scene when he discovers the "Sheila" aint quite as sheila as she should be. works everytime

  6. You never fail to find information to amaze me. Remind me never to play trivia with you.

  7. Haha, hollwhrt's right, the tags are hilarious.

  8. Ha ha John, you always have something funny and interesting to tell. I think this story tells more about the professors than the lizards though. They are really projecting their ideas about the world etc onto the poor lizards ha ha. Like talking about "purposefully developing", "sexual deceit" and "pretending to be one of the girls" ha ha ha, hilarious, they are just what nature made them like. I have yet to believe that a lizard can think and scheme to that extent! Oh sorry, maybe we are all lizards ROFL...

  9. but why are the gurl lizards letting what they think of as other female lizards mate with them...I don't understand.

  10. another way Nature is telling us women are smarter than men. . .?

  11. Not this time...Not in my humble opinion....I like the male species.

  12. far as I remember anyways

  13. my poor demented brain cannot process this post. this is sooo wrong. i will have to warn the kids bringing lizards in school to scare me that those creatures are actually cross-dressers. yay! but that means i gotta explain what "cross-dresser" is. aaccckkkk!!!

    can i just tell them that lizards are gay? they are more familiar with that word.

  14. Yeah-tks for sharing JohnLOL! And whats with the 'taped to the wall duck"?

  15. Oh I get it. Duck in a padded cell lol.

  16. You already know what I think of the material but enjoy the comments, pictures and music!
