Sunday, June 29, 2008

ANOTHER SILENT SPRING? Where have the Song Birds Gone?

Our world is resilient, and tough, it has rebounded from disasters beyond our comprehension to understand.  It is ever changing, that with our short and self centered life spans we seldom notice. With all that, the world can only take so much until there will be drastic changes and reorder of the way things used to be, whether that be by a natural disaster, or a man made one. I pray our children's children know the sounds of songbirds, not just from recordings of what was.  --JohnOh--



Bird Songs - nature

Saturday, June 28, 2008


We have seen studies of their tool making, even what some are calling the beginning of cultures, and their inter-group warfare, and now this most recent study.  Are they more like us, or are we more like them?  --JohnOh--


Study: Chimps Calm Each Other With Hugs, Kisses

By Mike Stark, Associated Press, 17 June 2008 09:30 am ET


WASHINGTON (AP) — For most folks, a nice hug and some sympathy can help a bit after we get pushed around. Turns out, chimpanzees use hugs and kisses the same way. And it works. Researchers studying people's closest genetic relatives found that stress was reduced in chimps that were victims of aggression if a third chimp stepped in to offer consolation.

"Consolation usually took the form of a kiss or embrace,'' said Dr. Orlaith N. Fraser of the Research Center in Evolutionary Anthropology and Paleoecology at Liverpool John Moores University in England.  "This is particularly interesting,'' she said, because this behavior is rarely seen other than after a conflict.

"If a kiss was used, the consoler would press his or her open mouth against the recipient's body, usually on the top of the head or their back. An embrace consisted of the consoler wrapping one or both arms around the recipient.''

The result was a reduction of stress behavior such as scratching or self-grooming by the victim of aggression, Fraser and colleagues report in Tuesday's edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Dr. Frans de Waal of the Yerkes Primate Center at Emory University in Atlanta said the study is important because it shows the relationship between consolation and stress reduction. Previous researchers have claimed that consolation had no effect on stress, said de Waal, who was not part of Fraser's research team.

"This study removes doubt that consolation really does what the term suggests: provide relief to distressed parties after conflict. The evidence is compelling and makes it likely that consolation behavior is an expression of empathy,'' de Waal said.

De Waal suggested that this evidence of empathy in apes is "perhaps equivalent to what in human children is called 'sympathetic concern.'''

That behavior in children includes touching and hugging of distressed family members and "is in fact identical to that of apes, and so the comparison is not far-fetched,'' he said.

While chimps show this empathy, monkeys do not, he added.

There is also suggestive evidence of such behavior in large-brained birds and dogs, said Fraser, but it has not yet been shown that it reduces stress levels in those animals.

Previous research on conflict among chimps concentrated on cases where there is reconciliation between victim and aggressor, with little attention to intervention by a third party.

Fraser and colleagues studied a group of chimps at the Chester Zoo in England from January 2005 to September 2006, recording instances of aggression such as a bite, hit, rush, trample, chase or threat.

The results show that "chimpanzees calm distressed recipients of aggression by consoling them with a friendly gesture,'' Fraser said.

Consolation was most likely to occur between chimpanzees who already had valuable relationships, she added.

The research was supported by the Leakey Trust.




(Bloggers' license, could not find a picture of Chimps buds drinking and sharing, so had to use this one of  Orangutans.  Obviously good friends, and besides, the one with the sun glasses looks a bit like Jack Nickolson. --JohnOh--)


And then there is just going a bit too far with consoling !!!

(Theme From) The Monkees (Prev. unissued early Version) - The Monkees

Friday, June 27, 2008


I want to thank you all for your thoughts and prayers and concerns.  Do I owe any  of you money? I am at my  Sister's computer to leave this message, not sure when I will have mine fixed or replaced. 

 I think the computer will be easier to fix than I will be!  I will try and pop back on as soon as possible.  Thank you all again, from my heart, you all (does that sound too southern?) are wonderful, and have blessed  me in more ways than you know.

And Yes Linda, I am taking my medications as directed!!!

medical humor doctor jokes

I wonder if ReHab can help with Friends Withdrawal?!?

God Bless you one and all.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008



Old mine along Ishi Creek (?)  Road 32, Butte County.  Camera is a Kodak EasyShare Z612

another smaller version as some have said the large is not viewable, thanks.

A hundred years past;

stamp mills, ore carts,

dust and dynamite,

noise, fire, smoke,

the Earth scared and cut,

Industry came to the middle of no where.

Dreams fade,

empires crumble,

names forgotten

scars slowly heal

Earth reclaims its’ own.

Another 100 years

even Earth will forget

the dreams that were here.




Such a place of beauty,

to be such a place of sadness.

The view is beyond description,

like floating above the earth,

Peregrines circling and calling from below.

Close your eyes and you can hear the river flowing.

Hold your arms out, the breeze feels like you are flying.

Look out beyond where the sea greets the river, and you can see the curve of the earth.

Clouds float below, sometimes above, and sometimes will engulf you in their wet embrace.

Lovers come to such places to share enchantment to last a lifetime.

But sometimes late at night, with tourists in the hotels,and locals warm in bed,

or sharing pints and stories at the pub.

Wretched shadows come,

to peer over the edge,

and step off into the darkness.



Monday, June 16, 2008


Thank you one and all!!  The surprising response to the previous blog, and great laughs from it are due to all of you, for your comments, insight, outlook, wit, charm, even taking the time to link to the blog, warped sense of humor, and sometimes physical attributes!!  I think I have spent more time on the floor than I have in my chair!!!  A very special thanks to Cherie's Boobies, without whose misplacement, runaway, or Boobnapping, this story could not have been possible.  A special thanks to Uralians and Duchess for the information on Oz Knockers, and especially the new information that Oz does indeed have Boobies.  I love it when laughter can also be educational!!!   Thanks to Chief Special Missing Boobie investGator JGary, whose dedication , intravenous use of coffee and lack of sleep, kept the Boobies at least in sight if not close to hand.  And we cannot forget  Special Anchor BillDance, who in this case was far from Silent, his special reports and action alerts may have interrupted our Blog watching, but kept us informed of the condition, where abouts, and shape of Cherie's Boobies.  But again, a very special thanks to all of you who added to everyones laughter and fun!!!

Now we do have some last minute items to take care of:

We had so many search volunteers turn out, 99% of whom were serious and dedicated to the return of Cherie's Boobies, and we cannot thanks those enough; but there were some, that we had to release or turn down their request to help:


We thought this volunteer group would be a fantastic assist, until we realized they had their names written on them, and a note of who to call if they became lost. Also explains why they wore the Boobie Traps instead of setting them.





Another two who enjoyed wearing the Boobie Traps just a little too much to not be concerned about them.






And lastly, this research group from Berkeley had to be let go, they were still deciding what a Boobie was 3 days into the search.  They called this activity pictured, "becoming one with the Boobie".



We did have some experts Volunteer to help in anyway they could:



Dr. Wheel  Mounds, worlds foremost expert on Boobie Traps ,dropped by to provide assistance. Everyone who met him says he was one of the happiest people they have ever met.




A young lady who wishes to remain anonymous,  dropped by to demonstate the proper way to set the trap.  Funny thing is, the women at the meeting said Yes! That's it! Simple!"  and the males seemed to say  "Huh, how did she do that behind her back??!!"  We asked her back for another course for the male volunteers.



Mr. Richard Simmons dropped by, we tried to say we had enough help, but could not get a word in.






This little fellow was fantastic, could spot a Boobie from miles away.  He was extremely useful inbetween naps.








Companies and organizations came from all over the world to help:



A Japanese electronics firm is working 24/7 to perfect a Boobie listening device.








Even NASA has been donating time to the search.









A TShirt company has donated time and TShirts to Cherie's cause.





A local French Pastry Shop donated much needed refreshments.







A Tattoo Parlor in New Jersey provided free identifying Boobie Tattoos.






National Milk Companies responded to the emergency.






There were some interesting things turned in as Cheries Boobies, none of which seemed to fit the bill.


The finder said he sat and watched these for days and days.






You know our Heather, who also helped in this search, and Kathy, both friends of mine collect Heart Shaped rocks. I do not know why, but I think I may start to collect Boob shaped rocks.




Right Bathroom, wrong Boobies.





Cherie wanted to keep the car, we are feeling out the company for her.






And lastly, there were some unfortunate accidents:




We cannot express the importance of staying focused often enough.





We cannot show you the picture that follows this one, it is far too graphic for public viewing.  Let us restate the warning;  NEVER STARE AT BOOBIES! 





At last count we have three searchers that were taken off the search line.  We are providing the best of modern medical care.  Please keep them close to your chest and in your thoughts.




The worst accident happened in a Research Park in Los Angeles, where a non-traditional film company donated a spare prop for a Boobie Trap. No serious injuries were reported though several people were overcome by perfume and bath powder fumes.






Prince Charles for personally searching Great Britain for Cherie's Boobies.






To Chief Boobie InvestiGator JGary for inventing a simple yet effective test for the millions of fake and illegal Boobies flooding countries world wide that Anchor Bill uncovered in an under the covers investigative report.










And a half hearted thank you to the Mushroom Growers of America, for trying to find a substitute for Cherie in case her own precious Boobies do not return.


Again, I thank all of you who took part, added to, and enjoyed the search.  Can we do it again next year??


UPDATE  06-17-08  11:53pdt


I did not think updates would be needed , but we must notice and give a special thanks to such an unselfish offer.  NAARTA has extended her loan offer of her own very nice  Boobies to Cherie.  If everyone in the world were so caring and unselfish with their endowments, the world would be a better and much happier place.  Thank you NAARTA!!!  Please people, make sure you thank Naarta!

Please note:  NAARTA wants to point out, due to many requests, that this offer only applies to Cherie.

You can thank Naarta here -------->naarta

Searchin - The Coasters

Saturday, June 14, 2008



Have You Seen Cherie's Boobies?

(This public request for assistance has been approved by the Friends of Cherie's Boobies Search Committee and the ASPCB)

Please Help!

 Please, contact Cherie with any information  here serendipitydreams
These Boobies have been missing for a few days now, the owner is getting worried.
They escaped from a very secure holding area sometime during the evening.
We do think they will be found together as they were raised together since they were little Boobies. 
The like to be close to  to each other for warmth, security and comfort. 
If the Boobies are blue all over, that might be due to cold, if their beaks are a bit more pronounced than usual, that is certainly due to being cold.
Please do not approach or handle, these are extremely shy Boobies, and only allow special people they are used to, to handle them.
We suggest you talk to them softly, maybe even try cooing at them, as that will calm them.  Again please do not approach or try to handle them as that will only cause them to hide. 
And please please please DO NOT STARE!! Many males think that Boobies stare at them, but this is a scientific falacy. PLEASE DO NOT STARE!!  Boobies hate that and may go into a rare aggressive reaction. 
Some helpful hints on searching and looking for Boobies. Please Help!!
Left and Right Views, Boobies look very similar and can easily be recognized from just about any angle
Boobies are known to hang out around Harleys.  One specific observation that needs to be noted, the faster the Harley, the more they hang out.

Boobies have often shown up in mass at beaches, usually to apply tanning oil in slow circular motions.






Boobies favorite mood of transportation besides the Motorcycle is a convertable, often with the top down.  Never ever mess with a Boobie in a convertable with the top down!!!




One spectacular habit of the Boobie, is to suddenly get up as a group and head into a Lady's restroom.  No one has really found out what they do in there.


Please, Cherie wants her Boobies back, they are very special to her.  She has trained them since they were little Boobies.  Amazingly, she has even taught her Boobies to dance!!  Now those are some  extra special Boobies!!!







by  Bennie "Big Hands" LaCaresse

Director, National Field Museum of Mammary Research

There have been questions on how to capture loose Boobies if you shouldn't touch them.
There is an approved humane trap available.  First you must decide if yours are wild Boobies, they tend to like  being unconfined and are much happier free and able to move.  Some call these Free Range Boobies, but I have never really liked that term, much preferring the older term, Migratory  Boobies,   or if yours are the more domesticated Boobies (using the term more like it would be used for a feline, as like felines, Boobies can never really be domesticated).  Which ever ones you have, the trap will work for both, though the Migratory Boobies will tend to fight the confinement.
This is the approved Boobie trap.  Colored ones with lace seem to work the best.  Also having flowers near will attract the Boobie.  Chocolate is also a good substitute or can be used in combination with the flowers. 
The illustration shows the proper way to set the Boobie trap in the suspended mode.   It is widely believed the Bobbie Trap was invented by an unknown male, which is surprising as the locking mechanism in the back is very confusing to the male half of the population, infact  almost impossible to make it work properly,  so if you need help, please seek help from the more knowledgeable female.  Follow instructions EXACTLY !!  If you set it wrong it will tend to let the Boobie bounce out of the confining ovals at the least bit of struggle from the Bobbie.  No harm will come to the Boobie, you will just have to continue your trapping effort.  And be forewarned, you may only get one try at this, Boobies are not just good looking, they are inherently intelligent too. Good luck, our Cherie is counting on you!
A different version of the approved Boobie Trap.  This is how to ground mount the trap. Please note the lace and the flower.  In this set up the flower MUST be on the side that the restraining ovals are open on.  Again, please read all instructions carefully, and follow them exactly.
Traps available at all ASPCB approved Pet Shops, and some select Petting Zoos. Please ask for the Boobie Trap by name.

Our own Duchess Ronnie went out of her way to pull straps and provide this link to a study of various styles and sizes of Bobbie Traps from around the World:

You can thank her for her diligence here:  littleronnie

This Just In!!!

The Himalayan Mountain Climbers Association has generously offered the use of their Abominable Boobie, (also known as The Humoungously Huge Snow Boobie)  Trap, and an expert to place and set up.  This is a very dangerous trap, and can be deadly if the trap snaps shut on the operator.  Please note the Himalayan wild flowers.. 

Demonstration Trap and set up photo provided by the Himalayan Mountain Climbers Association.

This Just in!!! -- June 15, 08 -- 20:26pt

Oz resident  director for the Cherie's Boobie  International Search Organization, Uralians,   uralianshas reported a sighting in Australia. Australia has no known indigenous Boobies, but do have a very large native Knockers population.  This report has been substantiated by Duchess Ronnie from her extensive expertise on native Oz Knockers and her research into the many styles of Boobie Traps world wide.   Cherie's Boobies are reported to be hiding among the Oz Knockers.  No known picture of Oz Knockers is available at this time, but rumor has it they are very similar to the Boobies.  Uralians has single handedly, arranged for Oz Knocker traps to be set up at prominent Knocker habitats.  Thank you from all of us here at Search Headquarters.  We hope Anchor Bill will contact his sources for more information on this report.

!!!!!!! We Update The Above Update!!!!!

05-16-08 --  09:29 AM PT  / routing code  38D2436

Uralians, Director of the CBISO --Australia, has personally discovered a resident population of Australian Boobies habitating several very remote off shore islands.  The lovely, but somewhat unpredictable Oz Knockers are widely and exclusively distrubuted on the mainland.  Thank you Uralians for so promply keeping us informed.  Please keep turned to the Anchor Bill News Hour for more details and Breaking News!!