Thursday, January 24, 2008



(stock photo from Google Images)

I wonder what ad man or used car salesman came up with the phrase 'Sunny Californina'.  It is raining again, which I actually enjoy.  The relaxing sound of the rain falling on and dropping off of the Oak Trees, splashing in the puddles under the leaf canopy.  It is amazing how the water running down the gutter can sound like a babbling brooke.  But then Brooke, in the next room over, is babbling all the time anyway.  Hope you enjoy your day:

"This is The Day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it."  Psalm 118:24


  1. LOVE the thunder and rain sounds! One of my favorite things is to sit and listen to a good thunderstorm! :)

  2. Yeah, I like this post John. With sound effects and everything. I love the sound of rain outside and a good storm. Thanks! :)

  3. It is such a wonderful sound!!! Don't be surprised if you have people
    camping out on this blog (I for one). Amen on the day!!!

  4. I love that picture...stands in AW.........

    We have snow right now...

  5. The picture and sound fx are great -- I love to hear the rain on out awnings.

  6. I don't like too much of any weather in great amounts unless it's 70 and sunny for days on end......but the rain scares me. What really scares me is if it was all snow......Imagine the inches sheeeeshhhh.

  7. I am in ca too..where is the sun??? We are getting rain too...lots and lots of it...
    Great sounds.....perfect....

    Did you have a birthday recently????? MIne was today.....

    Just wanted to say hi and that I would be adding you as a friend.

  8. The same one that decided Florida was the sunshine state!! lol...stay dry

  9. Just stopping by to see if you're posting a PPF entry. This blog caught my sight. Tell me about it brother. LOL I'm out here on the flight ramp of "Sunny Southern California" the past couple of nights getting drenched. I guess it could be worse... some folks got stuck up on the 'Grapevine' for a couple of days... sleeping in their cars, in crowded hotel hallways or restaurants, and lobbies. Phew!

    Terrific shot of the storms, John.

    LOL @ babbling 'Brooke' comment... hope you don't get in trouble.

  10. Mmmm. Love the sound. Thanks, Rani

  11. Oh is it your PPF entry Johnnnn ... runnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn umbrella ... hide ... oh eh ... heheheh .. enjoy your weekend as always ...

  12. I'd swap rainy California any day for rainy UK, all this rain is killing me *sniff sniff*

  13. Aw I so love it when it rains.....

    NOT the kind of rain that brings snow, or killer winds, or any other rain other then rain...LOL

  14. I am a winter person. I love the sun but winter is my season and I hate that I cannot experience winter properly here.... :-) I love splishing in puddles and the trickle of rain down my back and the drip drip off the leaves of the trees. Ever heard it on a tin roof.... My favourite sound. It can get so loud it drowns out all conversation! :-)

  15. :o) I like your new background picture - rain. Actually I do like the warm summer rain.

  16. So much rain in cali..I like it for about a day then give me the sunshine!!!

  17. i love thunder and lightening storms... stay dry!!

  18. I've actually been enjoying the rain this week too, maybe because I have not had to be in it a lot. I came by to see if you were joining in on PPF, but since I'm down south I thought I'd read this one. Stay safe.

  19. Rain sure wish it were raining here...all we got is snow. But I hear the rain is coming...cant wait to hear the pit and pat of droplets on the roof.
