Wednesday, January 16, 2008


I can't help but think of my friend, CrabbyMan when I saw this article.  Only because of his name!!  Just thought this was very interesting, we flex our muscles too, put our best side forward, make the moves, puts attracting the opposite sex in a whole new light. We might even learn some new moves! --John 

Crabs wave the long arm of love

Male fiddler crabs and their human counterparts have a lot in common when it comes to attracting members of the opposite sex, says an Australian researcher.

Martin How, from the  Australian National University (ANU), has shown for the first time that these animals change their body language depending on the distance between them and their true love.

The findings, to be published in  Animal Behaviour, are based on a study of the tiny fiddler crab, Uca perplexa, which lives on the mudflats of Bowling Green Bay, near Townsville in North Queensland.

Claw waving in the male fiddler crab replicates human communication, says How, who is with the  Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Vision Science at ANU's Research School of Biological Sciences.

"We know that in everyday life attracting the attention of a distant person involves gestures and vocalisations different from those used when that person is nearby," he says.

During two weeks observing and filming the fiddler crabs, How found the male changed the movements of his large brightly coloured claw as the female crab moved closer.

"Over distance he uses these very flamboyant, very conspicuous claw-waving displays [that say] 'I'm over here come and see me'," How says.

"And then when the female approaches very close he adjusts those displays so they are less broad and flamboyant and more coaxing."

The study is the first to show movement-based signalling in animals changes according to the distance over which they are communicating.



This "coaxing" behaviour includes a bit of old-fashioned showing off with the fiddler crab "performing unflexed leg lifts", "raising the body off the ground" and the irresistible "slow claw lift".

How says this is the male crab's way of showing his qualities in the hope of convincing the female to follow him into his burrow to mate.

The PhD student says because the males signal from beside the burrow, the highly conspicuous, long-distance signalling can also indicate to females an escape route from a potential predator.

As part of the study How induced courtship interactions by dragging a tethered female fiddler crab across the mudflat surface to a male burrow.

The response in the focal male was filmed simultaneously from above and crab-eye level.

How says carrying and waving the major claw is energetically costly for the male and courtship signalling cuts into valuable feeding time.

The change in the male's claw movements may also be a way of balancing energy costs with the perceived probability of winning over the female and reproducing.



  1. It would appear men are the same the world over.... as are women! Bwahahahahahahahahahahaha... Very cute post John and very revealing of all species sharing this world we live in!

  2. yep, the differences are not so big when you start looking closely! LOL


  3. We all need love. Even those of us with eye stalks and big claws. lol well not us. I have non of said things. but you know......

  4. Oh how interesting.....I must concur with the ladies below. LOL

  5. Ah, so in fact a literal headline, and not an entry on STD prevention.... interesting.

  6. I don't care how much he flexes or shows off.....I'm not falling for it next time...

  7. The bigger the claw the bigger the?????????????? hmmmm that is an interesting thought there.

  8. ROFLMAO! *rolling eyes* I don't want to be courted by a crab!

  9. This crab thing could catch on. I see a whole new take on the wooing in Song Of Solomon. Your eyes are as the stalks of the bluest of crabs. Your face as soft as the underbelly exposed and vulerable. There just so many possiblities.

  10. Now I know I am glad to not be able to sleep. Crab males flexing their muscles on the beach...LOL. Love is a many splendored thing even in the crab world I see.

  11. I can see the comparison..hahahaha..I love how you have it in the background as well. :)

  12. giggles - too cute - Nature is truly beautiful ! Nice background music too - befitting the topic !

  13. So size does Matthew cracked me up...lmao This is so funny

  14. As I said elsewhere, I was shocked that you would start an entry on STDs with the sentence "I can't help but think of my friend..." Made me think of those hypothetical conversations with doctors...

    Patient: "Doctor, 'My friend' thinks he might have crabs... what should 'he' do?"
    Doctor: "Tell your 'friend' that crabs need love too, and antibiotics."

  15. It seems that males the world and species over think that waving their "major claw" around is what attracts women!

  16. ROFLMBO ~ (and when I get over that rolling and laughing from Harmaceutical's comment I will be able to comment)

    Sure makes you look at crabs in a whole different light!!! Maybe we do have more in common with them than meets the eye, but I am thinking that it is a trying to get the attention of ~ not the size thing that counts and we have in common....LOL.
    So agree with sattva2 ~ "Nature is truly beautiful" ~ even the crabs!!!!!

    Have always loved this song!!!! And so perfect for your post!

  17. Need for love is for all creatures in the nature isnt it?Trying to atract the other gender has similarities.
    It was nice to read the very informative blog,thanks for sharing.

  18. A good crab has both size and knows what to do with it. I thought it was an excellent article

  19. if they didn't do anything it would just be "crab". :-)

  20. Im pretty sure I glad Im not a girl crab...
