Saturday, January 5, 2008



I am tired,

so very tired

I want to go home.

I want the sweet darkness

to caress me into

that eternal slumber,

 to see or perhaps to feel

the pin point of Light

that will blaze into wondrous radiant Glory

I want to go home

I am tired

so very tired.


  1. While they are beautiful words they are .troublesome thoughts.

    I am not ready to go yet....

  2. (I am not planning on going anywhere soon) :-)

  3. Beautiful words, John. And I wasn't worried. As your twin, I have a keen sense of your moods, and I know you're all good!

  4. Very beautifully said...sometimes I feel that way, but like you dont plan on going anywhere.

  5. Reminds me of a place all my own....

  6. Some minutes are like that John....and some aren't.....those are the ones we hold on to just as we hold on to friends.

  7. They are sad beautiful words and all God's people get tired sometimes....
    I am always sending you hugs but never felt it more than I do with this one (((HUG))) and I am not going to let go easily.

  8. Were you reading my mind today?? LOL It's a beautiful poem - good job.

  9. So beautiful and a concept that most of us can relate too. Glad you are ok and planning on being around a long long time!!

  10. I think we all have thoughts like this at certain moments in our lives.
    The picture is beautiful...and I'm sure the brightness we see will be one that will be indescribable...too beautiful beyond words. Hugs, John!!

  11. aww..take some time off to protect your and you will come refreshed back. hugs!

  12. a Beautiful poem and I guess we all feel that way sometime....just take me away to oblivion!!! lol..thanks for sharing....hugs xo

  13. If you didn't feel that away from time to time THEN I would be worried. We all need to take some time off to recharge our batteris. All work and no fun darkens the soul. BTW I loved the poem, very beautiful!

  14. I LIKE what Amalie said....we all need to remember that advise.

  15. Beautiful and so much meaning to it.Thank you for sharing

  16. Beautiful, sad words. I've had moments where I was so tired, but like you, I'm not going anywhere.

  17. Won't it be wonderful when we never feel pain and always be warm and never be tired. :) Did someone stay out too late on New Years Ever. Only kidding..I find humour good medicine for when the soul is distant..Glad to hear you're not going anywhere soon. I get the impression that you are a diabetic because of your feet pain..if I'm wrong let me know..if I'm right my heart is with you..I know how hard it can be at times. Big Hugs.

  18. Those are very strong and very sad and perhaps a longing for a better life,,,,,without Pain!,,,but one must get up every morning and say Today I Will make it Better,,,,,,I do and it helps,,,as I have horrendous back pain every day ....and I have sometimes come close to these words, but the Good Lord always takes my hand and leads me to some comfort.......

  19. Nice -- though not yet ready, can relate completely!

  20. nice...i am home and still feel tired...what is wrong with me!

  21. Sad poem, but I can imagine that someone that has reached the end of their life saying these words, perhaps wanting to go and join loved ones that are already there.

    p.s. I love the new background !!!

  22. Sometimes at the end of the silly season we are more exhausted than rested! Sharon has an interesting interpretation!

    I would also have to agree with Sharon on this background. It is wonderful!

  23. Geez, beautiful poem with very deep meaning to are full of all kinds of surprises! But on the lighterside....if I was in a padded room like YOU, I'd want to go home too and totally hope that sweet darkness would caress me for all I"m worth!!

    (Love the pic, the're quite the guy.) Dani

  24. Wonderful poem, heavy and yet uplifting.
    Bless you, friend!

  25. I like it and like someone said, a lot of us probably have felt that way. You can't have light without dark.
