For me, Quantum Physics is almost impossible to grasp. You think you are getting a handle on the ideas, and WHAM, another theory or discovery comes along. With all that, it is still a fascinating mysterious realm of impossiblilites that are common place. Particles that can be in two places at once, a particle that is part wave, a wave that is part particle, a particle or a wave that is both. And Schoedinger's Cat, who would want a cat that is alive and dead at the same time!!?? Okay that is a bad example, as cats sleep 2/3rds of their lives who would really know the difference most of the time anyway. Each of us has far more empty space in us than matter, and we all vibrate at phenominal rates. No wonder I always have that jumpy feeling!!! And last but not least, we may all be virtual, talk about creating your own reality; or gees maybe we are someone else's reality!!! GET A LIFE OF YOUR OWN PAL!!!!
I really became attentive a few years ago, when they predicted the HIGGS BOSOM!!! But then I realized I had read it wrong, wishful reading I guess.
This is not the Higgs Boson, no matter how hard you think it to be so; then again. . .
(Wonder if I could get a goverment grant to study if matter is not matter flucuations but rather cosmic flatulations)
by Stephen Battersby; NewScientist -- Physics and Math
Matter is built on flaky foundations. Physicists have now confirmed that the apparently substantial stuff is actually no more than fluctuations in the quantum vacuum.
The researchers simulated the frantic activity that goes on inside protons and neutrons. These particles provide almost all the mass of ordinary matter.
Each proton (or neutron) is made of three quarks - but the individual masses of these quarks only add up to about 1% of the proton's mass. So what accounts for the rest of it?
Theory says it is created by the force that binds quarks together, called the strong nuclear force. In quantum terms, the strong force is carried by a field of virtual particles called gluons, randomly popping into existence and disappearing again. The energy of these vacuum fluctuations has to be included in the total mass of the proton and neutron.
But it has taken decades to work out the actual numbers. The strong force is described by the equations of quantum chromodynamics, or QCD, which are too difficult to solve in most cases.
So physicists have developed a method called lattice QCD, which models smooth space and time as a grid of separate points. This pixellated approach allows the complexities of the strong force to be simulated approximately by computer.
Until recently, lattice QCD calculations concentrated on the virtual gluons, and ignored another important component of the vacuum: pairs of virtual quarks and antiquarks.
Quark-antiquark pairs can pop up and momentarily transform a proton into a different, more exotic particle. In fact, the true proton is the sum of all these possibilities going on at once.
Virtual quarks make the calculations much more complicated, involving a matrix of more than 10,000 trillion numbers, says team member Stephen Durr of the John von Neumann Institute for Computing in Jülich, Germany.
"There is no computer on Earth that could possibly store such a big matrix in its memory," Dürr told New Scientist, "so some trickery goes into evaluating it."
Several groups have been working out ways to handle these technical problems, and five years ago a team led by Christine Davies of the University of Glasgow, UK, managed to calculate the mass of an exotic particle called the B_c meson.
That particle contains only two quarks, making it simpler to simulate than the three-quark proton. To tackle protons and neutrons, Dürr's team used months of time on the parallel computer network at Jülich, which can handle 200 teraflops - or 200 trillion arithmetical calculations per second.
Even so, they had to tailor their code to use the network efficiently. "We spent an enormous effort to make sure our code would make optimum use of the machine," says Dürr.
Without the quarks, earlier simulations got the proton mass wrong by about 10%. With them, Dürr gets a figure within 2% of the value measured by experiments.

That will allow physicists to test QCD, and look for effects beyond known physics. For now, Dürr's calculation shows that QCD describes quark-based particles accurately, and tells us that most of our mass comes from virtual quarks and gluons fizzing away in the quantum vacuum.
Well, it is kinda shaped like a Bosom. . .
The Higgs field is also thought to make a small contribution, giving mass to individual quarks as well as to electrons and some other particles. The Higgs field creates mass out of the quantum vacuum too, in the form of virtual Higgs bosons. So if the LHC confirms that the Higgs exists, it will mean all reality is virtual.

For sure "Don't Believe Everything You Think!"...... Because I'm not sure what I think ~ lol.....
ReplyDeleteexcept I laughed a lot at the pictures and cartoons!
OMG John. I sure have been missing you my friend....LOL and your Fabulous blogs... But good news is I am able to be out and about. Lots of Love and Hugs.!!!! Thank you for the News artical you sent to me.. Awesome info.... Russ says hello also my friend. Pick up the phone sometime soon....LOL
ReplyDeleteBut Dr.O meson is investigated with an effective quark-antiquark potential of the form $\frac{-\alpha_c}{r}$ + $A r^{\nu}$ with $\nu$ varying from 0.5 to 2.0. The S and P-wave masses, pseudoscalar decay constant, weak decay partial widths in spectator model and the lifetime of $B_c$ meson are computed. Which means Higgs feilds still has a boson breast effect..and yes Higgs Bosom is real...ask a caveman
ReplyDeletethis is not what i learned in college. and after reading caveman's quantum dissertation, i am even more confused. are we talking about boobs here?
ReplyDeleteHere you are Cave, they have found three quarks, the higgs boson must be close by, do you wish to head up the research?
ReplyDeleteTwo different areas of research Dear Diety, one is much easy to grasp the concept of than the other.
ReplyDeletei think i will go back to school. the 3-boob gal confused me even more.
ReplyDeletesomehow somewhere something is really wrong.
No confusion MJ, Cavey is on a quest to prove the Higgs Bosom does indeed exist.
ReplyDeleteJust becareful of a Caveman in a white lab coat. . .
ReplyDeleteOkay, if you say so. I trust you, but I don't trust the Caveman.
ReplyDeleteHe always comes up with something bizarre worth of ten years therapy.
I liked the cartoons.
ReplyDeletethe rest of it went right over my head! :)~
this was read to me on my way home today.....what I wanted to know is.....
ReplyDeleteare those like pasties (the type strippers use)????
All reality is virtual, yes indeedy, why didn't they just ask me, I have known that a looooong time ROFL...
ReplyDeletePS, there is something very disturbing about that girl in red, hmm what can it be??
ummm why dont they put the third one on the back..i might learn to dance then
ReplyDeleteand welcome back pengy you old bird you
ReplyDeleteThe way the comments are going, I think so, but I would ask Cavey to make sure.
ReplyDeleteIt seems that the more science advances, it starts returning to some very ancient philosophies.
ReplyDeleteI knew it! The real world is stranger than we can possibly imagine. Only... the real world... isn't real?
ReplyDeleteI saw physics and my eyes glazed over. No matter how hard I tried to read about quantum stuff. I couldn't get past the glazed over, brain on vacation mode. LOL And then I saw the pictures and had to die laughing. God is good and having a great sense of humor is one of the greatest things to have. LOL Thanks for the giggle!
ReplyDeleteMy 3 nephews on my bf's side study in Quantum physics. Always a blast when they come for a family gathering.... one of them makes a joke about absolute 0 and they all laugh till the tears roll on their faces while I sit pretty with a confused smile on lol. Its like living in the *big bang theory* cept I'm not as pretty as Penny :P
ReplyDeleteJeez...Caveman has this so worked out mathmatically, it's lost it's entertaining value somehow...Ok..I'm over it now..
ReplyDeletehey....nothing wrong with a virtual reality. I live in it most of the time....LOL
ReplyDeletei found a flaw in your math forgot to carry the 1..also if pi (r) square and cake (R) round is factored in you can actually hear what women say when they go to rest room together ..go figure
ReplyDeleteGator if the pi is carried the R cant factor because of the rational measurements that the Meson creates on the mathematical table of giving you that point and the three breasted meson that Dr. O has presented ..we need to create more three breasted meson women with more techonology instead of the fake global warming shit.....Now i need to be left alone so i can work on my next project of perfection of the polarity of the poles and the atom structure that can turn a simple steel rod into some highly barn yard fun
ReplyDeletei am into the perfect pole continuum and meson three breasted quark ladies that swing from them
ReplyDeleteHy, johnoh awesome post, it is unique and informative. I have just bookmarked this site in my favorites so will be visiting your page often. Regards
ReplyDeletedissertation methodology chapter