Monday, February 9, 2009


We should all take a moment of quiet reflection for thoughts and prayers for The Australian people and their firefighters.  They are in the midst of a horrible outbreak of wild fires, some of which where deliberately set.  The death and injury toll continues to rise.

A link to an Australian News site with up to date information on the fires:

And a link to a NASA updated Satellite image:

I dug into my file to find the following Australian news article from 2008, I hope and pray this is not the case.


by Josh Gordon  THE AGE On Line,, Sept. 7th, 2008

AUSTRALIA has been singled out as a target for "forest jihad" by a group of Islamic extremists urging Muslims to deliberately light bushfires as a weapon of terror.

US intelligence channels earlier this year (I did not find information like this in US outlets, only in the Australian paper and a short report from MEMRI-Middle East Media Research Institute)  identified a website calling on Muslims in Australia, the US, Europe and Russia to "start forest fires", claiming "scholars have justified chopping down and burning the infidels' forests when they do the same to our lands

The website, posted by a group called the Al-Ikhlas Islamic Network, argues in Arabic that lighting fires is an effective form of terrorism justified in Islamic law under the "eye for an eye" doctrine.

The posting — which instructs jihadis to remember "forest jihad" in summer months — says fires cause economic damage and pollution, tie up security agencies and can take months to extinguish so that "this terror will haunt them for an extended period of time".

"Imagine if, after all the losses caused by such an event, a jihadist organisation were to claim responsibility for the forest fires," the website says. "You can hardly begin to imagine the level of fear that would take hold of people in the United States, in Europe, in Russia and in Australia."

With the nation heading into another hot, dry summer, Australian intelligence agencies are treating the possibility that bushfires could be used as a weapon of terrorism as a serious concern.

Attorney-General Robert McClelland said the Federal Government remained "vigilant against such threats", warning that anyone caught lighting a fire as a weapon of terror would feel the wrath of anti-terror laws.

"Any information that suggests a threat to Australia's interests is investigated by relevant agencies as appropriate," Mr McClelland said.

Adam Dolnik, director of research at the University of Wollongong's Centre for Transnational Crime Prevention, said that bushfires (unlike suicide bombing) were generally not considered a glorious type of attack by jihadis, in keeping with a recent decline in the sophistication of terrorist operations.

"With attacks like bushfires, yes, it would be easy. It would be very damaging and we do see a decreasing sophistication as a part of terrorist attacks," Dr Dolnik said.

"In recent years, there have been quite a few attacks averted and it has become more and more difficult for groups to do something effective."

Dr Dolnik said he had observed an increase in traffic on jihadi websites calling for a simplification of terrorist attacks because the more complex operations had been failing. But starting bushfires was still often regarded as less effective than other operations because governments could easily deny terrorism as the cause.

The internet posting by the little-known group claimed the idea of forest fires had been attributed to imprisoned Al Qaeda leader Abu Musab Al-Suri. It said Al-Suri had urged terrorists to use sulphuric acid and petrol to start forest fires.



  1. i was talking with Uralalians the other night and she was telling me how hot and dry everything is there and was afraid fires would start have you heard from her?

  2. MUST SEE!! Fantastic slide show of the fires, thanks Gator.

  3. if the Islamic freak knobs started this...time for some pissed off Aussies to start kicking some Islamic ass

  4. I was watching video clips of the fires in Victoria on Youtube and couldn't believe how the fire raced up hills , I have never seen anything like it , winds of 100 miles per hour and changing winds. Huge fireballs coming down the road and people trying to escape. I hope that the people who are setting these fires get caught and I hope it's not terrorists, although I am sure they will claim it is them, wouldn't surprise me one bit. My heart and prayers go out to these people of Australia.

  5. There are bushfires virtually every year in Australia, but this year it's the worst since the 1980s.
    Yes, our thoughts are with them and praying for a change of weather and relief coming for them soon.
    We have family, friends and blog friends over there. Sure hope this has nothing to do with terrorism, but can't understand the sick minds who would deliberately start fires. I pray for the healing of those minds.

  6. It is very sad the loss of life that is being caused by this series of fires. My prayers have included those in the area since I read the first report. I do hope they were not caused deliberately by anyone.

  7. ahhhh yes..... my thoughts and prayers have been with them.... that is one of the hardest things to fight.... God Speed to them all!!

  8. Unbelievably sad. Thank you for your reflective reminder.

  9. It is a horrible thing, those fires in Australia. I feel for all those people, losing their lives or at least their livelihood and living in constant fear. I think however it is a bit premature to point a finger at Islam terrorists, even though a threat has been made by them.

  10. i have a h.s friend who now lives in kanwal, nsw.. she's about an hour south (i think) of where the fires are..

    wonder who/why someone started it?? i just dont get it.... :/

    think of those who have lost everything and say a prayer!!!

  11. Prayers here for sure.. I was worried about what they were going through, BUT was not prepared for the pictures ~ Really hits you how horrible these fires are. What a truly sad thing to think some of them could have been set on purpose! While I'm praying , I think I will pray it isn't so!

  12. oh dear!!! What propaganda this is!!! I wonder who started such a rumour ?? Who owns the paper? How awful!
    I'm Australian and this is the first I've heard of this and I seriously doubt it's authenticity. Every year since I can remember , arsonists, usually teenage anglo saxons start bushfires. One man has been arrested and he's anything but muslim.
    It seems to suit many people to stir much hatred for muslims and blame them for all catastrophies in the world. I'm sorry some dummies have set up such a story and worse still if any muslims take it on board and believe it as their new labelled mission.

  13. Thank you for this my Friend. My Muzzy is there too, and has lost many ... overwhelming still ... I 've been praying for all those precious souls... Take good care beautiful John Oh
