Monday, November 10, 2008


When I first came across this poem, it was attributed to a "terminally ill young girl in a New York Hospital".   Certainly caught the eye and when reading it made you go Ahhhhhh.  Since then I have found the author to be a child pyschologist by the name of David Weatherford.  The poem is non the less powerful and a needed reminder to "take time to smell the roses" in this fast paced world.




Slow Dance

by David L. Weatherford

    Have you ever watched kids
    On a merry-go-round?
    Or listened to the rain
    Slapping on the ground?
    Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight?
    Or gazed at the sun into the fading night?
    You better slow down.
    Don't dance so fast.
    Time is short.
    The music won't last.

    Do you run through each day
    On the fly?
    When you ask How are you?
    Do you hear the reply?
    When the day is done
    Do you lie in your bed
    With the next hundred chores
    Running through your head?
    You'd better slow down
    Don't dance so fast.
    Time is short.
    The music won't last.

    Ever told your child,
    We'll do it tomorrow?
    And in your haste,
    Not see his sorrow?
    Ever lost touch,
    Let a good friendship die
    Cause you never had time
    To call and say,"Hi"
    You'd better slow down.
    Don't dance so fast.
    Time is short.
    The music won't last.

    When you run so fast to get somewhere
    You miss half the fun of getting there.
    When you worry and hurry through your day,
    It is like an unopened gift....
    Thrown away.
    Life is not a race.
    Do take it slower
    Hear the music
    Before the song is over.



  1. I love this Slow Dance I have it printed out and in a file here with other things that really touch me or inspire me such as The Awakening. Also the music that is playing is so beautiful and soothing !!

  2. Kinda makes ya think a bit...yes slower is better:)

  3. Very inspiring words. Sometimes I think grandparents are the saints in the World because they can often have the time to be more patient and focused on the needs of the wee ones.

  4. Have always loved this poem...and giggle...even though I worry and fret at times...I still take time to do just what it says..for the most part...especially with the wee ones around.

  5. Wonderfullllll especially with the music.Thanks a lot for sharing.Enjoy your evening.HUGS

  6. So fine: the poem, the music, the tranquil background of your page with the ice and snow. I love Canon in D anyway, and I really appreciate your sharing this poem. Thanks, Rani
