Friday, November 28, 2008


. . .this seems to happen more often than I care to admit. 










  1. Yeah I have started experiencing it and it is soooo frustrating!!

  2. Lets just put it this way...I made banana pudding for Thanksgiving and I forgot to put the bananas in it!! I felt like an idiot all day! lol

  3. Too funny!

    I like to think that I can't remember things because I am just too busy....I worry about what happens when things slow down.

  4. He he he I say to myself that I have turned the corner round so that I wont be able to have measles,mumps or any other childhood diseaeses but these kind of things unfortunately.

  5. LOL... I guess letting your brain go out for a walk and fresh air is better than
    taking it out and playing with it! Either way... they are just never the same anymore!
    I think I told you.... LeAnna likes to tell me that I just have so much on my mind...
    what a good daughter!!!

  6. I think I'll adopt LeAnna....she's much nicer than Ang is about the whole thing....she just says I'm nuts and when it gets too bad she's locking me up in a padded room.

  7. Nope, nope, nope, it is not early Alzheimer's; so just quit listening to all the people who say it is. I remember when my mother-in-law started worrying out loud about this many years ago. I pointed out to her that I'd had all the same symptoms as she did EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE. I was about 23 years old at the time. My son just turned 18. He can't find his wallet, cell phone, or car keys unless I gather them up as I wander through the house and put them all in the designated spot for him. My mother told me about how she absent-mindedly put the open jar of mayo in the cupboard and the jar of peanut butter in the refrigerator on her wedding day. If you have children, think about how many times they've asked you where their what's-it is. Quit forgetting that you have ALWAYS been forgetful, and you will be happy as a lark.

    The song and cartoon are hilarious, John!

  8. insertAudioReply('johnoh:video:3','upload-johnoh-3','');

  9. ive gone off to find myself pengy if I get back before i return keep me here til I get back please

  10. ROFLMBO!!! Again!! I am running out of Butt!!!

  11. insertAudioReply('johnoh:video:4','upload-johnoh-4','');

  12. Bill.....that was me you were s'posed to call...did I forget and give you what's his name's number instead...darn I miss more calls that way.....and what's his name was supposed to call what's her name but she forgot to charge her phone up.....and Gator....did you forget to send my "you know whats" back???
