Tuesday, November 20, 2007


(can be enlarged for easier reading)

The Cartoon is  "Opus" by Berkely Breathed


I love the fall and the winter.  My focus changes, from outdoor activities, trips, Camping, adventures, to quieter pursuits and times.  I tend to look more at the small things, and not get side tracked so easily.   I tend to think that the small things reveals more revelations  about ourselves, our lives, living, what is important.  I think of times by the fire, listening to its' conversations, reading a good book,  bundled up walking along the shore,  listening to rain, feeling the cold bite of wind on my face.  Holding on to one you love and carrying on long talks without saying anything.  

One reason I really love Opus's character, he always tends to return to the simple things.  Embrace the winter, spring will come in its' own time.--John




Shaker Elder Joseph Brackett, Jr. in 1848

 'Tis the gift to be simple,
'Tis the gift to be free,
'Tis the gift to come down where we ought to be,
And when we find ourselves in the place just right,
It will be in the valley of love and delight.

When true simplicity is gained,
to bow and to bend, we will not be ashamed
To turn, turn, will be our delight,
'Til by turning, turning, we come round right.




  1. oh yes embrace life, it's what were suppose to do.

  2. Great cartoon! I get like that and get all fired up, then I get tired and sit down... Lol.

  3. Thanks for introducing me to a very nice cartoon, John. I don't know if I can get it here though...
    I like simplicity too - in here it's rainy season and I'm mostly left with nothing but staying at home all night after work because of the heavy rain outside. However, books are my rainy season's friends and you were right... there's nothing like embracing the moment - right now.

  4. I am running with this one....great

  5. The poets always talk of spring being the time of love.....I say it's winter.

  6. I do love this time of year also John...it often used to be when I would come inside and paint again for the year. But for the last two years I have gone home and so have pretty much lived in eternal summer. I hear it's really hot there at the moment too.

  7. I do need to remember to be more simple in gift giving. I was just thinking about it tonight. Thanks for the added inspiration.

  8. the best things in life....
    ...the memories we look back on and smile are the simple things we don't appreciate at the time
    I loved this posting thank you my friend
    (((hugssss))) xxxx

  9. that's a funny cartoon that makes you think of how to live life ....

  10. I do believe that this is the best blog you have ever done. If not the best ~ my favorite.
    It is wonderful and so true. The simple things are the really important things, "times by the fire, listening to its' conversations, reading a good book, bundled up walking along the shore, listening to rain, feeling the cold bite of wind on my face. Holding on to one you love and carrying on long talks without saying anything." So beautiful.

  11. "When true simplicity is gained,
    to bow and to bend, we will not be ashamed
    To turn, turn, will be our delight,
    'Til by turning, turning, we come round right." ...
    Ah yes, sweetest simplicity, in the quiet stillness, much joy, enlightenment, wisdom. Brava, John Oh ... yes, the wind in my face, leaves swirling around my legs ....
    Winter waters crashing on the frozen shore ~ crisp, shimmering blue wintery skies, and that warmest crackling fireplace. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, sweet life. (Don't know about the holding hand thing) ... Beautiful thought though.
    Thank you for a beauteous moment here. Sweet memories, wonderful todays.

  12. Great post John and what good timing. We try to make our lives so complicated don't we? Too bad we often succeed.

  13. Lovely post and hilarious cartoon!
    I like your attitude - you're always so very positive and enjoy life. And the simple things :o) That's the way it should be.

  14. Ah John, such a cool post. It is the simple things that we give and get that make it worthwhile.

  15. Oh yes nothing better than to snuggle up with a good book and hearing a fire crackle and watch the snow falling down by the lamplight outside .

  16. Loved the cartoon...amazing how the simple things can have such value..Nothing like spending time with your thoughts, those you love and or a good book by the fire. I think the changing of the seasons causes us to reflect as if we are seasonal too.
