Monday, October 29, 2007


The sky is bleak,
clouds black the sky
Turning ashen grey with each lightning flash
Winter has turned  trees into ghastly images,
shadows of themselves
a mockery of what they once were.
Dead leaves
Dead grass
even the wind moans dead and cold
Even the house seems white,
cold and lifeless
as lightning tears the air apart
Sounding hollow
sounding empty
echos, empty echos
But in one room
one small room
lovers only hear
The sound of rain
and gusty winds
mixed with thunder far off.
Nature's music
keeping pace with their hearts
beating in unison
beating in time
With arms entwined
and hearts as one
listening to one another breathe.
at the very bottom left in blue is The Rules, that is a link back to the Writers' Block page.  Thank you.
1. Every Sunday, a new challenge will be posted. One picture will be featured per challenge; your part is to write about that picture. It can be whatever moves you; a poem, story, caption or a quote. Original works only, please. You may also post a video or song that you feel is relevant.

2. You may alter the pic, as long as you can still see the original clearly.

3. Post your challenge response on your blog, tag it with “writers_block” or something to that effect, along with whatever other tags you use.

4. Come back to Writer’s Block and leave a comment that you are participating, so I know to look for it.

5. I ask that you visit at least a few other writers and leave your comments.. In order to make this easier, please make sure your challenge piece is open to all or at least in a medium network.

6. Sometimes part of the challenge will be to include a quote, so please make sure to look under the picture to see if that is so.

7. You have until the following Saturday night (1 week) to post your challenge response and have it linked with the others. If you are late, you can put the link in the comment section.
The Rules


  1. I like how you take both the forgotten sense of the old house and the flame on its window. It's like telling me that there is still hope and we can move on. I tried to do it but couldn't... :)
    Thanks for sharing this, John.

  2. Oh John this is just wonderful. I love it. It is great to read something pleasant about this photo. Thanks for that!

  3. I was told to come and read this a little while ago, which I did, and am back to comment. That was absolutely beautiful John Oh! ~ How we forget how beauteous it can be, heck, nothing to forget here! LOL... Hmmmmmmmmmmm, must have been that book that I read. LOL!!! Night sir, be blessed, and sleep well. Just lovely up there! I'm still blocked. Just sleepy these last few days. Maybe tomorrow. Who knows?

  4. You have a wonderful way of putting your heart into words John.

  5. wonderful, wonderful job - loved it.

  6. There is definately a unison of warmth, through the hollow empty echo's!!
    Beautifully written!

  7. I'd have never thought about this! Isn't this the beauty of these challenges? What love may come...

  8. Everyone writes so differently but John you always seem to do the unexpected with your choice of how you interperate your sbject. Cherie is right, you really do put your heart into your words!

  9. Lovely draws me more in to the background on your page..While bleak awakens inside :)

  10. This was great. You brought love to the bleak and cold and warmed the room.. thanks

  11. Great job. I love a good storm - minus the ghosts.

  12. You have quite a talent in your writing.. I just might try this writers block.. not sure I have the confidence to write..... Might be a good challenge and I am always up for a good challenge.. This was awesome.. Thanks

  13. cool post...i could hear this one to music in my head as i read...loved the way it flowed...thanks for sharing.

  14. Wow just awesome work (((hugs)))Have a good day

  15. Cold feet, warm heart. Or is that just me? LOL, loved your take on this.
