Friday, December 19, 2008


Long long ago, before there was Heavy Metal, Head Bangers, or Hard Rock, there was Bach, Wagner, Beethoven, Berlioz, and a host of others. 


Light some candles, turn the lights off, perhaps two glasses of good mellow wine,  draw the drapes, put out some extra pillows, hold your love close, and let's bang heads the way it used to be done!!!!!










Hope you enjoyed at least some of the music.  The REQUIM DIES  IRAE is by HECTOR BERLIOZ, and th FUGUE IN D MINOR is by J.S. BACH


  1. LMAO!!!!!

    i was looking for bon jovi!! lOl
    hope all is well on your side....

  2. Oh my goodness Johnoh...can I stay here for as long as I want? Love it absolutely love it! But no wine please...acky stuff that.

  3. Whenever I hear "Ride of the Valkyries... This is what I think of.

    Apocalypse Now - Ride of the Valyries

  4. I know what you mean, The Lone Ranger is so connected with the William Tell Overture, it took me years and years to be able to listen to it without seeing the Masked Man ride across the west. . .

  5. Now I know what Mickey was doing instead of answering my IM....ROFLMAO

  6. I don't know why I thought that "O, Fortuna" is a Carl Orff composition, part of Carmina Burana.
    It is listed like written by Wagner in your playlist. Is it a mistake?

    We pretty much grew up with those things, back there in Europe. At least in my country... they did not let us listen to "subversive" rock music, but the classics had no lyrics... LOL! They tried to censor some Verdi, though... like that "heavy" part from Nabucco... Ha! It did not work!

  7. You are 100 percent correct!!! Carl Orff put the poem to music!! Thanks for correcting me on this!!!

  8. I like classical music, but somehow I don't get around to listen to it very often. On New Years Day I always watch the new year's concert on tv, broadcasted live from Vienna.

  9. Although I primarily play Classic Rock on the radio..I grew up with Classical music. I listened here a bit John and heard some old faves I used to play on my phonograph at night to get to sleep...very nice...thanx...

  10. Isnt that great ,few minutes ago I listened to wonderful songs at a friend of mine from Philipinesand now I'm listening to these great calssiscs here,this is a small world isnt it?
    Thank you very much for sharing these,but you know what you owe me some minutes because I cant go to bed ( its 00.15 AM )unless I finish listening to them all.Thanks a lot.Enjoy your evening.HUGS

  11. here, we could share my Chardonnay!
    call the Lovely One and the.........
    opssssy... he's missing again! ngorkzzz!

    love classical music. makes me feel sane listening to them.
    you got all my favorites! yay!
    you forgot Vivaldi and Chopin...

  12. Thank you, Johnoh for a most enjoyable time!

  13. ahhhh a peaceful way to spend the morning john with several classics and personal favs here we aquatics have the same music taste it seems

  14. :o) I'm more of a rocker, but it really is refreshing to listen to classical music every now and then....
