Saturday, September 27, 2008


Whether we are Democrats, Republicans, Greens, Independents, Liberal, Conservative, Middle of the Road, we should be furious at the people who got us into this mess, and the same ones are writing the rules for the Bail Out. 

More of these congressional hearings from the past dealing with Fannie/Freddie are being researched and found.  I only wish the little barbs were left out of the video text, this is too important for our country, we can easily make our own minds up as we see and hear.

Watching this video I cannot but help think of the scene from the movie NETWORK,  we need to go to our windows, write our congressmen and women and tell them in no uncertain terms we do not care what party they belong to, We are Mad as Hell and are Not Going to Take it any longer.

To Contact Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi

To find your Congressman

To find your senator

GSE = Government Sponsored Entities, such as Freddie and Frannie

OCC = Office of the Comptroller of the Currency


  1. Great blog John...and thanks for including the links. Now no one has an excuse for not letting their opinion be heard.

  2. I agree! I just read a blog that said there are 300 million people in america. Give each person 1 million dollars and save a bunch from the 700 billion for the big business bailout! THAT sounds like a plan!!!

  3. That is an astounding figure, that is encluding children too? I am not an economist by any stretch of the imagination, but if each of us is given a million dollars, how many houses would be purchased by them, and what would that do to fix the problems, seems like it would put a big dent in all that bad paper. Plus college tuitions would be covered, plus?

  4. And with this population clock... still ticking... we could all receive several million and not even come close to the 700 BILLION... and cover all our health insurances, educational needs, etc. Ah, but alas, someone has to go out and earn the money to lay it all on the table up front. Will it be the poor or the rich footing the bill... or just the middle-class once again... but alas... they are already taxed to their eyebrows... and they still see the shitty deal they are getting as more jobs are being eroded out of the country. So when the middle-class become the new poor... with no jobs... will the rich leave the country for a better deal? With Corporate Haliburton now residing in Dubai... we know where the true Benedict Arnolds are beginning to reside. Will the last rich American leaving the USA bother to remember to bring the flag? Somehow, I doubt it... so its up to the little folk to fix the boat... or learn how to tread water.

    Great video here, Sir John. Thank goodness I'm a sailor... and have a little sailboat to flee on if necessary. It truly is maddening... and I am not for the current bailout. Some overloaded ships need to sink to cut the losses of savage costs. Gluttony has a way of being selfserving - until the supply runs out... and then restraint and trimmer portions seems to follow in rebound... at least until the next pork barrel rolls out on deck.

    Thanks, I have already been writing and speaking out to congress men and women all along... obviously, all sides do not listen, as we can see from this video. I see all sides of the fences. I am not hopeful yet that humankind can restrain itself... even after a bailout. Unfortunately, it will probably be Mother Nature that has the final word... and I surely don't look forward to that day.

    Thanks for sharing, Sir John... and allowing me to do the same.

  5. I agree with your wish that the barbs had been left out... there was no need for that... what was being said spoke for itself.. It is very scarey to think that the same people are writing the rules for the bail out!!! Copied your links.... will use my "bold" voice!!! (lol ~ hugs)
    Glad I didn't miss the blog, John or the comments!!!

  6. I am furious and livid at this inept government..I don't know how they can go before the camera and show their faces....I have been hearing "Boston Tea Party" "revolution" pissed enough yet..or are we going to allow some more steamrollers over our bodies???

  7. Johnoh for President. I was here......

  8. you will need 300 TRILLION, not billion.... need to recount the zeros.

  9. Oh yes...we are brother and I are on a writing tirade...we have written so many e-mails and snail letters, we expect the FBI to come knocking on our doors anytime now. These people need to be tossed out with the tainted bath water...

  10. She was speaking about was was in the bill our esteemed congress passed, not what WILL or MIGHT be needed. Thanks though.
