Monday, August 10, 2009


Okay, the title is not original with me, it came with the video.  And a fun video it is!!!  Gotta give this Aussie some credit, he made major points with his wife on this one!!! 

The following caption also came with the video, do you think the groom had anything to do with the authorship?

Gorgeous Persian bride marries handsome white Australian. The bride is in to Bollywood music. The question is can the white groom dance Bollywood? Note: Wait till the Bollywood music starts. . . 


  1. I am not sure why the white and Persian references, they do make a gorgeous couple, she is gorgeous, and he makes it a couple. . .

  2. if ya gay, you can do any dance.........
    but I cant dance ta save me life.....................

  3. I loved it...I see a lot of this now where the couple want to do something to surprise the folks who attended the Reception...all in great fun. Very much enjoyed this couple...

  4. ROFLMBO.... and that is at your background! Great!!!

    The couple... they look like they are having so much fun, too!
    Can just see them doing this in the kitchen at home in a few months as they
    are suppose to be doing the dishes together ~ lol.

  5. GORGEOUS couple she's beautiful and what a way to stamp their own signature on that wedding dance FOREVER!! with laughter
    terrific i did not stop smiling and laughing ...

  6. That was fantastic Johnoh...loved every moment of the video!!!!!

  7. I found the second little video from this person and it is great too!
    Mais and Arsalan dancing at Naseem and Jonathan's wedding. Can a half British/half Pakistani boy dance Bungarra better than a 100% Persian man? Find out for yourself...

  8. Millimusings...loved the second vid too...nust have been one heck of a fun Wedding...and lots of cool memories for everyone that attended...too cool....

  9. Nice wedding..loves when people are happy

  10. Thanks Rockin I think that whole wedding must have been a blast..there were only the two videos that I could find...Me too Robbie I love happy people..better to be around LOL. Hope Jon does not mind us having a discussion here ..smiles...

  11. What a way to celebrate a wedding!
