Thursday, September 10, 2009




  1. wonder what obama would have done about this day ???

  2. it was the most horrific day ever..i ahve visited ground zero and it moved me beyond words

  3. I woke up that day at noon, turned the tv on, and the first words I heard were "... the President is being moved to a secure location." In that moment, without knowing what terrible events had taken place, I knew in an instant that the world as I knew it must have been changed. It's a day where we must remember what we felt, the unity we as a nation felt in moving forward. For a time we weren't Democrat or Republican, white or black or latino or asian. We were simply Americans, and even more simply, we were humans, trying to make sense of the senseless. Never Forget!!!

  4. A day forever etched in the back of my mind...Talking with the Love ones of the missing n fallen...Feeling of helplessness not being able to do more, or tell them anymore then what they seen on TV...Seemed weeks went by...It changed my sense of security. I couldn't believe another country's hate could destroy so much in just a few moments...As I watched the 1st plan hit, live on TV I was paralyzed in what I was watching...Much Love & Respect goes out to all the Heroes of 911

  5. Even now, 8 years later, I remember like it was yesterday. I don't see how we as a nation, or each single one of us (with or without loved ones involved) could ever forget! A simply sober reminder posted beautifully, John! My thoughts will be there, once again, as well as my prayers.

  6. John, It truelly seems that every time I look at photos, such as the ones you have posted here, of 9 /11... It still shocks and its very difficult to comphrehend that this acutally did take place. God Bless all those who suffered and continue to suffer all over the world through no fault of their own. ...

  7. I will never forget this day, and I will not be at peace again until all those responsible are in Hell where they belong.
    We must not forget, and never surrender or worse will happen.

  8. Prayers and Respect to the brave souls that lost their lives that day.
    May we never forget.
    May they Rest in Peace ~

  9. heartbreakingly beautiful photo penguiy. i dont know how i missed this post.

  10. What a day. I was living in rural Korea with no international news. I eventually found out from a friend emailing me. I couldn't believe what had happened. Actually, even after all these years it's hard to believe.
