Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Truth is stranger than fiction. Some of you may have seen “How William Shatner Changed the World” , a funny and interesting show about how Star Trek has inspired inventors and scientists. Well it seems Mr. Shatner has done it again. I can imagine, some time in the future, our great great grandchildren may see the first Star Ship, moving out of space dock, and named Enterprise.


Space shield may protect astronauts

Thursday, 19 April 2007

space shield
A superconducting ring on board a spacecraft could produce a magnetic field that protects astronauts from cosmic rays, just like the plasma shield from Star Trek (Image: RAS)
UK space scientists are teaming up with fusion researchers to develop Star Trek-like deflector shields that may one day protect astronauts from cosmic radiation.

The shields might envelop interplanetary spaceships and protect the astronauts inside from deadly radiation storms.

"Unless you solve this [radiation] problem, you're going to have a bunch of dead astronauts," says researcher Dr Ruth Bamford of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Oxfordshire.

Scientist are borrowing the idea of using a magnetic field to deflect the charged particles spewed by solar flares and interstellar space from the Earth itself.

Our planet deflects the worst solar radiation and particle storms with its naturally generated magnetic field, the magnetosphere.
Earth.  Mostly Harmless.
"Nature has put this solution forward," says Bamford. "It has a certain elegance that's appealing."

Part of that elegance is how light and inexpensive magnetic shields would be compared with massive metal shielding. Metal shields would cost a lot to launch into space and would require more fuel to be moved around once there.

A magnetic shield has the additional benefit that it won't become radioactive after years of being bombarded by radiation, something that happens to metal shields, Bamford says.

Joining forces with fusion scientists could be the key to advancing the new technology, she says, because the fusion people are expert at creating and controlling magnetic fields inside a reactor.

Bamford gave a presentation on the new collaboration this week at the UK's Royal Astronomical Society National Astronomy Meeting in Preston.

"The first thing we are approaching is proof of principle," says Bamford, referring to the need to prove that a spaceship-sized magnetosphere is feasible and would block radiation.

Eventually experiments will have to move out of the laboratory and into space, of course, which is where the work really gets expensive.

"There are several stages in between," she cautions.

Other researchers agree that magnetic fields are a logical approach to protecting astronauts outside Earth's magnetosphere.

"It's absolutely a viable choice," says the University of Washington's Professor Robert Winglee, who has been promoting the idea for a long time.

Winglee points out that the shields would also have other uses. They could protect astronauts on the surface of the Moon or Mars, where only spotty, remnant magnetic fields exist, he says.

The collision of radiation with a magnetic shield could also be used as a super-efficient way to accelerate a spacecraft on very long voyages, says Winglee, somewhat like a sail on a ship.

"I'm glad to see others are working on it," he says.
For Tami For Jewels
For John For Darryl
Is everyone happy now?

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